Affiliation: Las Noches | Rank: Leader of the Arrancar Army | Zanpakuto Name: Kyōka Suigetsu

Ujikiyo as a Fraction

Nnoitra: *enters throne room, bows*

Aizen: Nnoitra, is there some thing you need?

Nnoitra: Yes Lord Aizen, I am here on request.

Aizen: And what request might that be, Nnoitra?

Nnoitra: I have been watching Numberos 79; Ujikiyo. He is showing great promise and I would like to take him on as my fraction.

Aizen: *smirks* And of what does Ujikiyo think of this?

Nnoitra: From my understanding he is very much willing to become my fraction.

Aizen: Then it is granted. Ujikiyo is now your fraction, Nnoitra.

Nnoitra: *grins with a bow* Thank you Lord Aizen. *leaves room*

Betrayal, for a Fraction...? Part 2

((I heard through the grapevine that the commentary for 'Betrayal, for a Fraction...?' should be shared. So here it is Betrayal, for a Fraction...? Part 2, all cleaned up and now a post.))



Ulquiorra: *enters Aizen's throne room* You requested audience with me?

Aizen: *narrowed eyes* Yes. I did Ulquiorra. It is about your fraction.

Ulquiorra: *watches Aizen carefully* She has become an object of irritation. I will make no excuses for her actions. *waits for Aizen to continue*

Aizen: Yes, I am sure she is. If you see her that way. I can have her removed from your side. *waits for his reaction*

Ulquiorra: *steps forward suddenly* I can see how that could be a necessary course of action. I will make her submit to you in time. *lapses into silence*

Aizen: *get the response I was seeking, smirks* I believe this time has ended. *calls for Ulquiorra's fraction* Kita.

Kita: *is pulled from behind Aizen's throne by Loly, jerks away from her* Let go of me!! *is struck by Loly, growls* You bitch! *narrows eyes*

Aizen: *looks from the corner of my eyes seeing Loly ready to strike Kita again* Enough Loly, your job here is done. *watches Loly bow and quickly leave* Come here, Kita. *watches her hesitate*

Kita: *wipes away the blood from my mouth to the back of my glove, hesitating to move forward. Looks at Ulquiorra seeing him standing casually at the base of the throne* Master?

Ulquiorra: *makes no move forward, but watches you* Do not speak. *tears his eyes away from Kita and looks back to Aizen*

Kita: *looks away from Ulquiorra moves slowly toward Aizen thoughts racing in my mind, thinks to self* I must not dishonor my master. *holds head high and steps eagerly forward toward Aizen stopping in front of him, bows head, lowering self to one knee* Yes, Lord Aizen.

Aizen: *rests hand on top of Kita's head as she bows before me, smirks looking down on her* I think that is the first time you have ever called me lord Aizen. *looks to Ulquiorra* Kill her. *steps back from Kita*

Kita: *eyes widen when I hear what Aizen orders Ulquiorra to do, slowly my eyes go shut, thinks to self* Again... Again Ulquiorra will end my life. *tears fall from my eyes, but does not lift my head or try to get away*

Ulquiorra: *makes no hesitation to draw his blade and looks down at his reflection in the steel* Such an easy task, my lord. Are you truly using me to the best of my ability? *reflection shakes a bit before leveling out, sonidos forward and cuts one of Kita's tears in half, stopping only when a blade crosses his at her neck*

Aizen: *thrusts Ulquiorra’s blade back from Kita's neck and stops my blade against Ulquiorra's throat, watches a stream of blood trickle from under my blade* Questioning me again Ulquiorra? *looks into his deep dead eyes waiting for his answer*

Ulquiorra: *watches his blood run down Aizen's blade* I do not question you out of insurrection. *looks past Aizen at Kita* You leave me to watch the woman and Kita like a fool chasing after skirts. *looks back at Aizen*

Aizen: *narrows eyes* If I remember correctly. You requested Kita as your fraction. Did you not? How is it; you can place that blame in my hands? *adds pressure to my blade against your throat*

Ulquiorra: It is not blame, but responsibility as I recall. *presses neck further into blade* Or do you find that disagreeable too? *uncharacteristically insolent*

Kita: *remains quiet still kneeling as they talk above me, sees blood drip to the floor next to me, knows its Ulquiorra's* Lord Aizen *speaks softly with head still lowered* Please, do not blame my master for my disobedience. He has done everything in his power short of killing me to make me one of yours. It is not him. It is me. If someone should be punished it should be me.

Aizen: *smirks looking at Ulquiorra* She still tries to protect you even though you were going to kill her. Again. *withdraws sword from Ulquiorra and jerks her from the floor looking into her eyes* Then. I will say this only once, so listen well, my dear. *looks into her eyes lifting one hand to cup her cheek and draws near to the side of her head* If you defy your master once more. I will kill him, and you will watch as I do so. Then. I will feed 'you', to the remaining Espada. *let’s hand slide from her cheek as I turn and disappear into the shadows*

Kita: *drops to one knee quickly lowering head in front of Ulquiorra* Forgive me for intervening master, but I could not ... *closes eyes tightly wondering if Aizen would have truly killed Ulquiorra*

Ulquiorra: *wipes neck with hand and looks at blood* The barriers separating our rank are crumbling one by one. Perhaps I am more like you after all. *crouches to Kita's level and smears a 4 1/5 on her exposed shoulder, then stands up to leave*

Kita: *does not look at what he wrote on my shoulder, but rises in silence and follows him slowly from the throne room*

Betrayal, for a Fraction...?

Aizen: *walks across room, hands folded behind back* It would appear Kita is remembering her past life. As I was hoping she would, however, she has yet to share any of that information with me or her beloved master. *turns quickly*

Gin: *wide grin* Either that or her beloved master is holding out on you as well.

Aizen: *laughs under breath* Ulquiorra? He would never.

Gin: Eh, every man has his weakness. Even you’re very loyal Ulquiorra. Kita has changed him since she entered his life.

Aizen: *narrows eyes thinking of the things Ulquiorra has defied him over because of Kita* It would be his death if he withheld on this.

Gin: I am sure he realizes this. The question is. Does he care? *turns walking from room* well, I will be on my way now. *waves over shoulder*

Aizen: *watches Gin walk away, turns calling for one of the fractions* Loly?

Loly: *bows* Yes, lord Aizen?

Aizen: Find Ulquiorra. Tell him I seek audience with him in my chamber.

Loly: *bows again* Yes, as you demand master. *disappears from room*

Aizen: *narrows eyes again as I think*


  • Betrayel, for a Fraction...? Part 2

Confession or Surprise?

Aizen sat in his chambers waiting for the arrival of his Espada. He had sent word with Menoly to gather them for assembly. They were to appear in his throne room the second they got word. Becoming annoyed at his waiting he stood to his feet. Just ...

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Coyote Starrk, Ulquiorra Cifer, Nnoitra Jiruga, Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez...Welcome to My Throne Room.

Here is your assignment:

  • Ensure that the warning is placed in your introduction.
  • Ensure that your affiliation, rank and Zanpakuto is placed in your introduction.
  • Find your fractions and bring them to me.
