Affiliation: Las Noches | Rank: Leader of the Arrancar Army | Zanpakuto Name: Kyōka Suigetsu

No Deposit. No Return:

Weeks had past and the clone Kita that was created by Zeshin remained in the depths of Las Noches as her captor-- Aizen Sousuke devised a plan pertaining to her and the Soul Society. Finally, her time had come. Things were a foot in Las Noches as ...

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Second Blood

Continued From: If The Crown Fits While Ulquiorra was entertaining in Karakura, Aizen was busy back in Las Noches readying his descent. He stood in...

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Hidden Within:

Deep within the fifth tower Kita stirred. She looked around her with a heavy sigh.

"Finally, he has awoken, but why do I feel his reiatsu so close?"

Sighing again she moved forward to finish her tack at hand. She would seek answers from her Master later when she saw him.

The Test:

Continued From: Back... Again: Weeks had passed and again Kita followed Ulquiorra through the halls of Las Noches. She asked no questions in where they wer...

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Froze In Time:

Aizen walked his throne room as he awaited the arrival of Kita. He wanted to speak to her. See the reaction in her eyes. Then deliver the crushing blow so he could watch her break and finally submit fully to him. It had been five weeks. F...

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