Affiliation: Las Noches | Rank: Leader of the Arrancar Army | Zanpakuto Name: Kyōka Suigetsu

Second Blood

Continued From: If The Crown Fits While Ulquiorra was entertaining in Karakura, Aizen was busy back in Las Noches readying his descent. He stood in...

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Hidden Within:

Deep within the fifth tower Kita stirred. She looked around her with a heavy sigh.

"Finally, he has awoken, but why do I feel his reiatsu so close?"

Sighing again she moved forward to finish her tack at hand. She would seek answers from her Master later when she saw him.

Return to Las Noches

Kita entered the room seeing Aizen standing next to his throne speaking to Lord Gin. She quickly went down to one knee bowing her head. The dagger she killed Toshiro with still gripped tightly in her right hand. His blood dried to the blade. She wanted to --





But all she did was hang her head as her silver locks fell around her face.

"I have returned, Lord Aizen and in my return I bring you a gift."

She extended the dagger in front of her and laid it to the floor in front of her. Slowly she pulled her hand back and waited for Aizen to acknowledge her.
