Froze In Time:

Aizen walked his throne room as he awaited the arrival of Kita. He wanted to speak to her. See the reaction in her eyes. Then deliver the crushing blow so he could watch her break and finally submit fully to him.

It had been five weeks. Five long and tenacious weeks as Aizen watched Kita for any indiscretion. Taking Captain Hitsugaya’s life had truly weighed on Kita. It showed in her eyes and even her actions; however, Kita pushed on in her training with her Master. Did she have something to prove? Yes. In the eyes of Aizen she had more to prove than she realized, and Aizen only waited for the right moment when the act of takings Toshiro’s life would crush her. Then he would pick her up and recreate her as he saw fit. He knew with her being the Seraph it would only be a matter of time and the weight of her sin would destroy her, and as the time ticked by Aizen saw that opportunity knock on his door. Therefore he called Kita to audience.


Kita enter the throne room kneeling to one knee, her head bowed. "You summoned me, Lord Aizen?"

Aizen looked over his shoulder to Kita as she kneeled before him. "Get up, Kita." He watched as she stood. "I have been watching you and hearing reports from Ulquiorra. It seems you have been excelling greatly in your training with him. Ulquiorra is very pleased with you.”

He folded his hands behind him, turning he walked toward her. “However--” He stopped in front of her. His hands came from behind him as he placed one hand to her jaw and lifted her head slightly to look him in the eyes. “Ulquiorra is displeased with your new acquired heart. He says it hinders your ability to be a true killer. I have to agree with him. He wants me to remove it.”

While Aizen was talking to Kita an image appeared next to Kita that only she could see. It uttered one word.


Kita badly wanted to pull from his touch, but she stood fast in front of him. His words striking a prideful note with her. All until he told her, Ulquiorra wanted her newly found heart removed. Kita’s eyes widened as she studied Aizen’s eyes. He was serious and what scared her more; was he was capable of doing such a thing. Kita could not stop her feet as she stepped back from Aizen. His hand slowly sliding from her jaw.

“T--that is not possible. My heart is metaphorical it is not a heart like the humans have. You would have to kill me--”

Aizen’s eyes burned through her as he gave her a smirk. She started shaking her head when to her side she saw Toshiro. Softly he spoke to her. She then turned her attention back to Aizen.

"No. I will not let you do this to me... Again."

Aizen grabbed Kita by the throat pulling her toward him. His eyes still locked with hers.

“Did you tell me, ‘No’? You do know you have no say in this, right? Your place is to listen and obey.”

Aizen drew her closer as he whispered into her ear. “No more will you be bothered by the guilt of killing the Captain. Your mind will be cleared and your emotions will cease. Without a heart; killing him would set with you much better. Like killing a bug on the floor. Without a heart--” Aizen brushed his cheek against hers, his lips softly grazing her flesh. “Maybe I will take you from Ulquiorra and make you my own fraction.”

Kita's eyes burned from forming tears with the mention of Toshiro's name. She coughed under his grasp trying to catch her breath. She mumbled softly.

"I don't want to forget. His memory is what keeps me pushing forward."

Aizen tightened his grip around her throat and jerked her forward then tossed her across the room like a ragdoll. Kita laid to the marble floor coughing and gasping for air. He watched as she pushed herself up. Walking toward her he spoke.

"That is exactly why this 'new' heart of yours needs to be purged from you. How can you be what I am in need of if your thoughts and emotions are lead by that worthless, weak soul reaper?"

He smirked as he watched Kita's look snap and turn ugly from him speaking ill about the man she loved. He gave a slight laugh as he shunpo'ed toward her; however, he was taken aback when Kita sprung to her feet and quickly sonido'ed away from him. When he saw her across the room she was in a crouching position. Her eyes glowed a brilliant blue. Again he smirked at her.

“Rebelling against your King?”

"Your heart is what makes you strong. It allows you to sense the emotion in your enemy and use it against them. Say it!"

Kita's glanced toward Toshiro across the room hearing his voice again. She noticed Aizen also looked the same way. Though, in a flash Aizen was moving toward her.

"Eyes on your opponent, Kita.” She heard Aizen say.

Kita reacted quickly leaping over the top of him. She landed next to Toshiro’s image as he stood in the room with them. Quickly she turned only to be grabbed by Aizen once more. Slowly he lifted her from the floor. She grabbed at his hand that held tightly to her throat.

“If you remove my heart--” Kita coughed still trying to loosen Aizen’s grip. “I will lose my strength. It is what makes me strong.”

Aizen continued lifting her upward by her throat a smirk across his face. "You are distracted, Kita? Why? Is your mind dwelling on Toshiro? Does his memory weigh so heavy on you that can't even fight to save your own life?"

He tightened his grip. Lifting his free hand he gently touched her chest with his fingertips directly above her heart.

"The smooth rhythm of your beating heart. It's sickening. A killer such as you is not deserving of such a delicate thing. Tell me Kita? When you drove the dagger through your dear Toshiro's heart? Did his eyes cry out for an answer? Did he beg to know why?"

Aizen's eyes moved from his fingertips that rested to her chest to her eyes. There he saw tears streaming from her own.

"The heart is such a fickle thing. Such useless emotions.” He grabbed her chin and made her look at him. “Do you truly believe he cared about you? That ‘he’ of all people could even fathomed loving the likes of you? A worthless piece of trash. His heart is solid ice and you are nothing but a pawn to be used and tossed aside. Why do you think he came for you? It was not to rescues you from me. It was so the soul society could profit from you just as I am.”

Just then, Aizen let her chin go and backhanded her across the face dropping her to a heap on the floor. He turned walking away. “You waste precious time and energy on a man that no more cared if you live or die.”

Turning again, he motioned for two arrancar that waited in the shadows.

“Take her to Szayel’s lab. Tell him to lock her away so no one can get to her. I will tend to her later.”

Kita was lifted from the floor by the two arrancar and held firmly by her forearms. She struggled against them to become free as they drug her toward the throne room doors.

"You're wrong! He did care! In his own way! He cared for me!"

Kita saw Aizen turn and look at her. She narrowed her eyes and became sick to her stomach with his look. She then spoke her last words to him as she was drug from the room.

"It is sad when a creature with no heart as more heart than you, Aizen."

"Then you have no fear of losing your own heart." Aizen said to her as the three disappeared from his throne room.

The figure walked over to Kita and placed a hand on her shoulder. It held no malice, no anger. Only concern. "It is impossible to remove your heart. The gods made sure of it. Tell him he will lose his seraph if he tries."

Kita looked toward Toshiro as he spoke to her, but her time was up. The two arrancar were already dragging her down the hall to Szayel’s lab.

So on Aizen's throne words were carved.

"The seraph will die."

Aizen turned hearing a scrapping sound behind him. There on his throne he saw the words ---

'The seraph will die.'

He looked around the room.

"Show yourself. Or are you too scared?"

When Aizen got no response from his visitor he gave a disgusted huff.

"Just as I figured. No back bone to face me. Just like a coward."

He turned from his throne to leave and go to Szayel's lab. His final words to his invisible visitor trailed behind.

"You may want to come watch me undo, your doing."

He exited the room in silence.

Continued To: Death to The Heart
