In the beginning, there were many assassin clans that were paid for to take out mercenaries or any enemies for the right price. There were many, however, they turned against one another and a blood-bath formed in the process leaving, at least, five clans left. Despite how their egos were or how cold-hearted they became, there was only one clan that was the highest ranking out of all.
This clan was called the Chikumo clan. The clan was made up of some of the most ruthless assassins and most powerful potion creator ever to be seen. Despite what you think, this assassin clan was actually made up of mostly females. The majority of the males would either be killed for being too cocky or leave because they had the chance.
Eren Chikumo specialized in communicating with spiders. These spiders weren't ordinary though, they grew to the point where they were tremendously over-sized and could eat a large elephant if given the chance. In fact, her husband was eaten by one of her favorite spiders, Oliver, who had a history of eating humans when he was hungry. This however wasn't before Arisu was born...