Next Year in June there is this anime con in Kentucky called the OMG CON. And next year we are planning to have a whole Akatsuki group. We only have four members now. You must be 13-18 to join us. I will tell you who we need and who we have. Here is the complete list. The ones that are crossed out are who is already being cosplayed.
including Kabuto
We may have a itachi but she's afraid she can't make it. So we need a back up Itachi. And Kabuto is just in there because he was controled by sasori and all that. But I will keep you posted to what is going on. Also Abel-chan is helping but I am the one you need to contact if you want to do this. Thanks for looking and have a nice day. Just pm me if you want to join. Oh and this is Paducha Kentucky we are talking about.

Now we have a Tobi

Yes we have a tobi. Success. Things are looking up now. We even have our own film crew. They are making a documentery of us. Anime Geeks shes going to call it. ^^ I shall teach them the art of anime. Hehe they have no idea what they are getting themselves into. My film crew is going to love anime. And they will turn into anime geeks themselves. MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!
