Xiaolin Showdown Fanfiction

Chapter 8:

After that crazy night, everything went back to normal. Kai stopped bothering Jack about everything and anything to focus on her homework (which she got grounded for not doing because she too busy with Jack) and school and Jack went back to finding Shen Gon Woo like he was supposed to (Wuya was furious for being ignored).

Jack was thinking about this one day while he was working (finally) on his Jack-Bots. He looked over to his floating ghost-head-companion-object-thing when the thought struck him. "Hey.. Wuya?"

"What is it, you imbecile?" Wuya insulted directly to his face, overbearingly close.

"Uh, where were you last week?"

"Last week? I’m-" She flew away from his face and over to the door. "Not. Sure."

"Not sure? How can you NOT be sure? Aren’t you always moping around here?" Jack placed his wrench over on a table and picked up his grease rag.

"I am not MOPING you fool!"

"Alright then, where-"

An all too familiar voice cut Jack off as he tried so desperately to get an answer from Wuya.

"JAAAAAAAAAACKK!!!!!!" Kai flew downstairs like a furious bat out of hell. "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO WITH MY LIMITED EDITION COLLECTOR’S VERSION OF THE ORIGINAL QUIET MOUNTAIN 2 FOR THE SNES!?!?!?!?!" Never before had Jack seen Kai so angry. Her hair was flying and her eyes burned with a firestorm of fury that was reserved for special occasions such as this one.

"Q-Q-Q-Quiet M-M-M-Mountain T-T-Two????" He stammered, trying to avoid her demon glare. "H-H-Haven’t tou-touched it-"

"DON’T screw with ME, JACK!!!!" She grabbed his jacket and threw him against the wall, ignoring the fact that he was quite delicate when it came to physical force. "I KNOW you were the thief! After all, YOU are the ONLY OTHER PERSON who has ACCESS to my vault!!!!"

Since when does she have a vault?! "W-What ar-are you talking about?! I didn’t even know you had a vault!"


"Am I interrupting something?" Both heads turned to see where the new voice was coming from.

"Oh shi..." Jack’s face turned bright red as he laid eyes on the only person in the entire world he couldn't keep out of his thoughts.

"Rai? What are you doing here?" Kai promptly dropped him onto the hard floor and walked over to Rai.

"I – uh – came to see if Jackie was around- Why is -?" He didn’t even finish his thought as Kai took Raimundo away from the basement and into the kitchen.

"You know, you came just in time, Rai. I wanted to talk to you about something." She pulled out a Pepsi for the both of them.

"I was kind of hoping to do the same thing..." He opened his soda and took a sip.

"Oh, wonderful! See, this is really important, so I need you to pay extremely attention..."