Greetings, and welcome to Genesis Forest, a wonderful glade free of fanfictions, blogs, pictures, and anything else that may cloud the mind of a creator. The only entities allowed within theses sacred trees are original stories. Nothing else may enter. So please, feel free to look around, and enjoy your time here at Genesis Forest.

Just One Look

"Please, just let me die." That's how the conversation went with the girl I loved when I first met her. "Why?!" I protested as I struggled to keep a hold on her hand while she dangled three stories above the ground. "Don't you have a...

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You Need Rain to Have a Rainbow

All the strength in my knees left, causing me to buckle and collapse onto the wet sidewalk. My mind couldn't process this. Everything we had.. everything we had together... all the memories... suddenly, it all felt fake. All if it turned into an i...

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You Need Rain to Have a Rainbow

All the strength in my knees left, causing me to buckle and collapse onto the wet sidewalk. My mind couldn't process this. Everything we had.. everything we had together... all the memories... suddenly, it all felt fake. All if it turned into an i...

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Prime Target

Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out. Became my mantra as I silently waited to get the jump on my target. I have been tracking him for the past week, trying to find an opening. Concentrate on the target. Think of n...

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Love Happens When You Least Expect It

I am lost. No, wait. That's an understatement. I am completely and totally no-idea-where-the-heck-I-am lost. That sort of lost. I don't know where I am and I sure as heck don't know where in ANY world this place is. Let me take some time while I t...

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