Just One Look

I was sitting in homeroom the day that our teacher introduced us to her.

"Athena! You can come on in now!"

In walked a goddess with no equal. Athena entered with such unparalleled grace and form. Her black and red plaid pleated skirt ruffled as she walked. Her black button-down shirt was perfectly accented with a red tie. Her long and thin legs were covered by opaque black tights and her feet were placed in black Mary Jane shoes. Her flowing brown hair was tied back and held in place by a single pink and green barrette.

"Hello. My name is Athena Ravyne. I recently moved here from upstate. It's nice to meet you all." She gave a little curtsey and glanced at my - our - teacher.

"Your seat will be next to... Lucas." My heart nearly jumped out of my chest. Athena. Sitting next to ME?! Was I dreaming? If this is a dream, I thought, I don't ever want to wake up.

"Hey." Her voice jolted me out of my thoughts. "You're Lucas, right?" I slowly nodded. "It's nice to meet you!" Her smile both melted my heart and broke it into pieces.

"Likewise." I managed to stammer out.

"Why are you wearing long sleeves? It's really hot out." She asked as she sat down.

"It's...personal." Seeing her curious expression, I went on. "Last year I got in an accident. It left some really nasty scars on my arms so to prevent people from staring, I started wearing long sleeves."

"Aw, no! What kind of accident?"

Before I could say anything else, our homeroom teacher shushed us and the morning announcements began.