image coming soon

Please hold while the introduction is under construction. Previous iterations of bland pretentiousness are being remodeled or removed.

Thank you for your patience!

Discord | Allamorph #4278
Skype | Allamorph


The next time someone tells me "...I'll stop talking now" because I let them make twenty statements in a row and say little in return, I swear I'm deleting them from my contact list.

My gosh.

No one is immune to the Drama Llama.

Yeah, this totally bears posting about. So I log in to Facebook today to scan things real fast and then take a few clicks to play a game that doesn't even need me around to play (D&D Tiny Adventures), and lo and behold the first thing o...

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Adam, I blame you.

I don't really care if or how fast it gets fixed. I just blame you. Because you need blame.

External Image

Shout Box (possible retraction)

Quick hazard note: the comic Boxer Hockey may be unsafe. I am checking into it right now to be sure, but in the meantime please avoid it until I have further news. I apologise for this. It's...

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I don't typically read journals on DeviantArt. Sometimes I do, but generally since I hardly know the people in question I just pass over them. But when I went to check for stuff this morning, I noticed I had one less art in my tracker than I did...

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