image coming soon

Please hold while the introduction is under construction. Previous iterations of bland pretentiousness are being remodeled or removed.

Thank you for your patience!

Discord | Allamorph #4278
Skype | Allamorph


I think I mentioned, a post or two ago, that I was requesting money from the school this semester (they're the middle man for Federal stuff) in order to be able to attend. I did this just this week, since I expected they would be out of the offic...

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The milk froze....

No kidding. Our house is so cold in the daytime, apparently, that the half gallon of milk we stuck in the back of the fridge froze all the way through, which my youngest sister discovered yesterday. So it's spent a lot of time out on the kitchen...

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I thought I was speaking English, at any rate.

Conversation this evening between me and my parents. Me: So I got an email back from the Bursar. My request went through and was processed, and all I need to do now is go to the website and accept the loan offe...

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So . . . .

I was totally going to mention some things. I have no idea what they are, though. =/ The concept of the V'nothrians at Winter Solstice (or the rough equivalent) is getting stronger with me, and I'm quelling it (or trying to) because I hav...

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I just finished watching Wolf's Rain again. It is one of the most beautiful things to have ever been made for anime.

Now weep with me and share my happiness.