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Discord | Allamorph #4278
Skype | Allamorph

Random Find

15 Australian Political Cartoons That The American Press Would Never Print.

Interesting to see the other side of the world's take on things.


Text message from my mother.

Oh, Noooo!!! It's Wednesday, and I'm at Kroger – with 5000 old people!!!

Also, for those who pay attention to this kind of stuff, I should be posting in GR towards the end of the week. Today is a bit cramped, with a make-up test, the US Army Jazz Ambassadors, dinner, and Matlab homework. Also I'm overdue for a post in SD as well, so loverly loverly.

Now go listen to Dark Moor.


W.T.F. Mate.

Commercial on Pandora.

"Marriage. It gives you family members that you get to choose, and a second sane person at the dinner table. Discover tips and tools for creating a strong relationship and a healthy marriage at *********.org."


Did ... is my radio trying to tell me something?


Fun With Asians

So I have a friend who's Korean, came over as an exchange student back when I was a junior in high school (and is now about to graduate with his bachelor's, I think). In the time since he's been here, his English has gotten really good, but every...

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Okay, Internet.

I am sick of all these damned force-listen ads you've decided need to be everywhere now. iMeem I could tolerate because I rarely go there. Pandora I can cope with because the nice little desktop widget means I never get them. YouTube pop-up slo...

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