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Discord | Allamorph #4278
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Double Dose of Stupidity

Shadow is making it difficult to type. I get a half a sentence done and I have to rub her someplace or else she starts noozling all over the keyboard. (She chirped at the screen. I guess she's saying hi.) First up, 'clever' Christians. ...

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Okay. You people know I am strange. And I am. Purposefully so. I have this habit of switching between various accents at random when I'm with my friends, so at one moment I might be Cockney, the next Bela Lugosi, the next "in Soviet Russia, __...

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Thought I'd share this.

Made me smile. ...

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I am exceedingly disappointed.

I have now received a second email from a site that, to my mind, simply should not exist. Spam doesn't tend to bother me too much, and I always read it (unless there's a high probability of a virus) so I can laugh at the terribly-executed Nigeria...

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Redesigning Heroes.

Man, I've got a lot of side projects lately. What with looking into the startup of a fledgling forum endeavor for local college stuff and the one I'm about to go on about, and getting ideas for a paper I need to do soon—and playing Fire Emb...

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