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Worrisome News

Ehh, not sure about this, but the Wachowski brothers are directing a Speed Racer live action. Choose for yourself, but....

.....I am not amused.

Closet Larpers

Wow. This post came quick. So I'm pretty sure that if you've ever set foot on a college campus for more than a week, you've probably heard of a certain group of slightly nerdy Honors Program guys (I'm being nice) who go out on odd days and...

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Me and late nights, I swear....

So I was up late again last night—I think I went to bed at around o'Dark Early—just kind of farting around, browsing deviantArt and lolcats and other such junk. Finally found that member I saw last week who does some really entertaining Harry Potter comics, among others; Slinkers, their name is. Interesting art style. (Slinkers does Death Note, too, so there is that....)

Probably about two in the morning I abruptly noticed that every avatar on the site was the same blasted image. I then spent an entire hour trying to figure out what the devil was wrong, scrutinizing my error console, and wondering why there were so many lines that mentioned Safari (the browser) and hacking, when I had just uninstalled Safari that afternoon. (It's back now, by the way; I figure it's as good a way as any to keep that darned Apple updater quiet, and since I use Firefox anyway, I don't see how its presence matters at all.)

It was about the time that I got so frustrated that I started talking to Desbreko, when I remembered it was now April 1st.


This is funnier when you realize that my perception of time is somewhat detached from actual measured time, and new days don't actually start for me until I wake up. Also, I frequently haven't got the slightest clue what day it is, aside from probably that it might be Thursday that day, so although I knew it was April 1st inside, I ... really didn't know it was April 1st at all.

And then I felt a little dumb.

In other news, I really should order a charger for the SP I pulled out of that consignment store trash can. (Hey! It was in perfect working order, free, and had a game attached to boot. 'Course, the game turned out to be Pokémon Crystal, so I trashed it immediately and bought FE: The Sacred Stones and Tales of Phantasia for my newfound handheld.) It's now officially out of juice, and I just got ahold of Joshua's mother and my second Master Seal to spread between my remaining three unpromoted characters, and I've almost finished raising that Shaman to lv 20 and I wanna get those other six unlockables, dang-it!!

Oh well. There's always Kirby 64. And DMC3, and FFX, and LoD, and LotR: The Third Age....

......and Pong.......

Edit: Found the best response to the dA prank. (^_^)

For the record.....

....the open arrow key (above the comma) sucks.

I'm pretty sure I lost a 1500 word post not twenty minutes ago.

Guess you people won't be learning things about me after all.

Consciousness Streaming

New format! I mean, not here, but.... Blah. Anyway. New format for me. I have decided that I prefer having my keyboard in my lap. I shall look into a wireless keyboard here soon, since this cord is just long enough to not impede me, bu...

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