Actually, that's my mistake. The original ethernet port wasn't a PCI slot, it was onboard. (Which explains why I never caught sight of the "fried PCI ethernet card". =P) Still got fried, just what fried wasn't what I thought got fried.
Anyway, both I and the computer guy at Geek's said the same thing about the motherboard. I wasn't really surprised to discover the card was PCI2 (even though it actually wasn't, since it didn't exist =P) as much as I was to find there wasn't a regular PCI slot on the darn thing. Makes no fracking sense.
And I was concerned about a bit of delay, yeah, but I'll only be here for another two months, so I'm not gonna raise much of a stink about it.
Abundant Love (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/10/11 | Reply
I'm surprised the PC's motherboard both doesn't have onboard ethernet and doesn't have any PCI slots. A lot of stuff that used to be PCI is moving to PCI Express 1x, but most motherboards I've seen still have at least one PCI slot.
Also, ethernet-to-USB adapters are slower than real ethernet cards. You might not notice any difference in bandwidth throughput, but there will almost certainly be higher latency.
Don't you just love the deal where to get something you need to order it on the net but until you have the item you can't get online? Part of me always wants to laugh at that and the other just wants to bang my head on the desk till I pass out.
Anyway, saw a black cat wandering about today and wondered how you were doing. I certainly hope I get things resolved so I can get back online at home asap. I miss playing Guild Wars and hanging out in chat with all you weirdos. :p
Otaku Summoner (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/10/11 | Reply
Boom! Head-shot.
Also, exploding trees, wow. Yeah, explosive.
Wow, never realized that PCI Express ethernet cards are that troublesome... I better take care not to fry the on-board one I have.
Spiritus Memorae (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/10/11 | Reply
Actually, that's my mistake. The original ethernet port wasn't a PCI slot, it was onboard. (Which explains why I never caught sight of the "fried PCI ethernet card". =P) Still got fried, just what fried wasn't what I thought got fried.
Anyway, both I and the computer guy at Geek's said the same thing about the motherboard. I wasn't really surprised to discover the card was PCI2 (even though it actually wasn't, since it didn't exist =P) as much as I was to find there wasn't a regular PCI slot on the darn thing. Makes no fracking sense.
And I was concerned about a bit of delay, yeah, but I'll only be here for another two months, so I'm not gonna raise much of a stink about it.
Abundant Love (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/10/11 | Reply
I'm surprised the PC's motherboard both doesn't have onboard ethernet and doesn't have any PCI slots. A lot of stuff that used to be PCI is moving to PCI Express 1x, but most motherboards I've seen still have at least one PCI slot.
Also, ethernet-to-USB adapters are slower than real ethernet cards. You might not notice any difference in bandwidth throughput, but there will almost certainly be higher latency.
Nyaa~ (ZE MEANIE) | Posted 08/10/11 | Reply
Don't you just love the deal where to get something you need to order it on the net but until you have the item you can't get online? Part of me always wants to laugh at that and the other just wants to bang my head on the desk till I pass out.
Anyway, saw a black cat wandering about today and wondered how you were doing. I certainly hope I get things resolved so I can get back online at home asap. I miss playing Guild Wars and hanging out in chat with all you weirdos. :p
In the name of the tune I will punish you!