There is a line within me.

Why am I posting like this? Eh, that's a bit complicated, and based partly on why I don't like the movie. But to say it succinctly, the response I expect from any one who likes the movie—and incidentally the exact response I received and knew I would receive tonight when I went against the entire consensus of my friends—is disbelieving indignation, to the tune of the following phrase, and I quote.

"Whaaaat?? What did you not like about that movie?"

The problem with this query is that it is based on the assumption that I am somehow supposed to like this movie, as if I am obligated to believe it is a great movie. So I'll make this simple.

This movie made me sick because the entire time I was watching the movie I felt like I was supposed to like it, like something in me was compelled to like it, and that is a violation of part of me that I hold almost sacrosanct.

I will not be forced to like anything. I give credit where credit is due, and where it isn't I do not. Regardless of what other people say, or what I am supposed to say, if I am put in a position to evaluate anything I will do so objectively and without bias, and I will not allow any of my prior knowledge or bias to factor into that judgment. And if what I am evaluating fails to meet the standard it set and still tells me I should praise it, I come dangerously close to angering.

There is a line within me that cannot be crossed, and tonight that movie tried.

And I almost shut down.