There is a line within me.

So let's get into a few more specific things, just because I can. First, what I did like, because I'm not totally ignorant of things that were well-done.

The concepts for Pandora, its creatures, and the Na'Vi intrigued me. I enjoyed the inter-linking aspect and thought it made for an excellent science-fantasy setting, especially where the avian creatures were concerned. The potential for thought-piloting and what that could feel like was neat. I almost want to say it was well-thought-out, but I can't because the segment ended up transitioning straight into immediate adeptness at the skill and eventually an almost artistic proficiency which I find singularly unreal.

However, that specific gripe is, obviously, specific, and did not stop me from enjoying the segment.

Oh, come on, I enjoyed something else. I know I did.

OH RIGHT. The rebreather masks. The fact that they were necessary for the human species on such a beautiful world was neat. Again, not well-thought-out because it ended up being a direct allegory for the "you don't belong here" campaign, but it was a detail I appreciated nonetheless.

I wish I could say I enjoyed more. I really do. And I take no pleasure, no 'certain grim satisfaction', as the cliché goes, in what I say next.