New problem. (One step forward.)

Update: The memory glitch was fixed. Unfortunately, the GPU error has persisted. I'm fairly certain it is/was an overheat issue because the longer I left the computer turned off, the longer it would run before freezing and doing the weirdo screen display thing.

And then last night when I rebooted after another that happened while talking with Beth about SpeedFan readouts and what, the startup hiccupped and rebooted before even getting to the loading screen, and then when it came back prompted me to run startup repair.

Which I did this morning.

Actually, I opened the screen, left the window that told me to choose a method active while I went to the restroom, and when I came back CHKDSK was scanning for errors, so I assume no input for a certain amount of time defaulted to something. That ran through for a while, and it apparently thought it needed to replace all the security keys on all the files with default security keys, until it got to file 214099, whereupon it said "Readable file 214099 is not writable" and froze. Nothing on the keyboard would respond. Rebooted again, CHKDSK ran itself again, and after clearing the first two stages it picked up right where it left off, finished replacing all the security keys,

...and booted me to a black screen and a mouse cursor.

I had to leave for class, then, so I turned off the monitor and left. I am typing this from our Engineering lab. I haven't gone back to check on the computer yet, but if it is the same screen then I believe I am going to need a new CPU unit, or a way to reinstall Vista while preserving the files I have there.

I'd almost buy a new computer package since it'd be easier, if I was able to manage book purchases and minimise food expenses for a while, but I like my monitor and don't see a need to replace any of the other bits and pieces (except maybe the keyboard; I'd like a different one of those and I know of a good one for about fifty bucks at Staples). I mostly feel all the new bits would be an unnecessary expense. And since I'd just convert the old hard drive into a slave anyway....

At least the campus has 24-hour labs and my own data storage file. Feels like freshman year all over again. =P

[old posts on ensuing pages]