I should be getting Frequent Poster Rewards.

Unlike the rest of you who make it your life goal to update at least four times a week. 'Cause I'm special. Or at least more specialer. There are comparatives in there somewhere.

Boop doop.

Speaking of things I can't seem to push myself into doing, I ran over material for today's test in about the twenty minutes prior to it, using my in-recent-years-developed method of just making sure I can look at a concept and explain it to myself on paper, which according to my twisted logic means my mind is thinking about it slowly enough to form sentences about and hang those dangling prepositions.

Blazed through it in a half hour flat, with one minor pause to figure something out. And since my track record is the faster I can finish a test the better I did on it, I'm pretty confident about this one.

But last night, after yesterday's weird-mood post, I decided to catch a half hour nap, was interrupted briefly by AIM because I forgot to turn the volume off and set myself away, and didn't start it until nine. And when I woke up....

Well, you know how if you go to sleep kinda sorta thinking about something and when you wake up you've figured it out for no apparent reason, ostensibly because your mind was freed up to work on the problem while it was no longer preoccupied with a billion other things? Yeah. That happened. And this would be the part where I'd go on for pages about it, except I bent Kei's ear pretty hard over it last night and since it's mostly me talking I think I'll just post that, since it ends up being almost verbatim.

You may now turn the page in your read-along book.