I Do Not Debate

I discuss.

I suppose I should start off by saying that I am not a conscientious, globally-informed person. I do not spend any of my free time scouring news boards or keeping my ear to the ground. The vast majority of the stories I receive are secondhand, often with no source to trace back to.

So does that mean I don't care?

...well, sort of.

See, most of what I would see or hear on news broadcasts or sites, or read in newspapers, is largely irrelevant to me. You could say that I feel such things have no impact on me, but I believe it is more accurate to say that I have no impact on them. I can't do anything about pipeline controversies in Ukraine or a man who kills his child to avoid payments or cities flooded by torrential rain. I can't get involved in legislative decisions or attend rallies for humanitarian causes, unless they are right in my area. And Angelina Jolie's latest baby . . . acquisition quite frankly is completely irrelevant to anything in my life.

Do I have opinions when I hear about these things? Sure. Am I ever affected emotionally? Yeah, plenty often. Will expressing them do anything?

No, not really.

So when news items come up, I rarely speak. Sometimes I look for the humor in certain situations; other times I may decide to spout off just to spout off, well aware that my rantings mean utter dit. (Sea Kittens, for example. Just dumb.) But if the topic is serious, and all I have to say is "man, that's terrible", then could I not spend the time required to make that post doing something else more constructive?

In conversation is one thing. You don't have to think "click 'reply', type open-bracket, font equals arial, close bracket, 'Man, that's terrible,' open-bracket, slash font, close bracket, proofread, click 'post reply', read post over because you're narcissistic". You just say "Man, that's terrible," and it takes all of a second, and then some other people say "yeah" or "mmm" and you keep moving.