Hello one and all! I want this world to be a place for great AMV's. whats better then good music and anime! I will try my best to update it daily. I hope you enjoy it! also if there's an AMV you like feel free to let me know and I will post it!
- Created By NymphaeaCapensis
~For Romanos Vixen~
Us and Uk baby! This is a request from ~Romanos Vixen~
~Spain X Romano or Spamano~
My fav pairing personally is Us and Uk there so cute together! :3
Look at that cutness!!
~With Love~
~Human Or Dancers~
A wonderful song! Makes me think back on my life and just reflect. If anyone is keeping up on this world please forgive me for all the Yaoi/Shounen Ai. I really connect with the characters if its Yaoi because I am a guy who is homosexual so it really relates to how I feel. I hope I do not offend anyone! but if you are a Yaoi fan girl or boy then I am sure you wont mind ;D
~World Is Mine~
Okay, I LOVE LOVE LOVE Hetalia! Especially the fan art :D I first got introduced to Hetalia by the fan art I was seeing all the time. Example:
after that I looked it up on Youtube and found tons of really will done fan made videos! I was like wow this must be good! so I bought the whole season one and fell deeply in love! Then we had fours kids and home in the suburbs where we grew old together (o.O) Oops that didn't happen! Ah well. :D