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Welcome to Anime Manga Vocaloid Central (AMVC for short! )

Not a member? Wanna' become one? Just let me know if you want to join, by going here, everyone's welcome!

If you're new, feel free to check out AMVC'S FAQ! (Frequetnly Asked Questions! )

AMVC's Council:

1dev13 (President)

scoodi (Vice President)

Chiyoko Yamamoto (Executive)

AngelsCryTo (Chairman)

DN Fangirls (Administrator)

nosheep13 (Secretary)

AMVC Member Information:

The Grand List of Members!

Member Rankings!

What's my total number of posts???

Latest News:

Latest Anime/Manga News!

Latest Video Game News! --A big thanks to Potatolicious628!

Latest Vocaloid News! (None yet...Be the first to post! )

AMVC's Latest Update! (6/8/10)

Newest Members! (6/8/10)


AMVC's banner by scoodi.

AMVC's background by Pantalaimon1467.

Music brought to you by: phantomgirl21 and pantsreminder.

Thank you all very much, guys!


I hope you enjoy your time on AMVC~ Brigade Chief-out!



^-^;;; As you have been noticing, I haven't been that active on AMVC that much, (due to school, etc.) but I have something very important to say. (This is kinda' gonna' sound abrupt, but it's very important, I'm sorry! )

Okay, if you are an active member, please post a comment below. (The reason why I say this is because some of the members will delete their accounts, and hence...you see my problem, I keep track of people who are no longer on theOtaku...and it's just to complicated...)

I am giving you all 1 week to post a comment, after that, all other members will be classified as unactive.

And one last thing, I'm debating on getting rid of the rankings, 'cause it's very hard for me to keep track on who joined on this date, etc. (If you'd be willing to keep track of when you recieve a new ranking, then maybe I'll keep them~ )

Another thing on rankings...I think I'm gonna' change them to months (If they are voted to stay.) I'd probably be like this: 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, etc. You'd still get gifts, though~

Again, I'm sorry for being so abrupt, but this has to be done, since this is just getting to unorganized,


Remember, 1 week!
