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Welcome to Anime Manga Vocaloid Central (AMVC for short! )

Not a member? Wanna' become one? Just let me know if you want to join, by going here, everyone's welcome!

If you're new, feel free to check out AMVC'S FAQ! (Frequetnly Asked Questions! )

AMVC's Council:

1dev13 (President)

scoodi (Vice President)

Chiyoko Yamamoto (Executive)

AngelsCryTo (Chairman)

DN Fangirls (Administrator)

nosheep13 (Secretary)

AMVC Member Information:

The Grand List of Members!

Member Rankings!

What's my total number of posts???

Latest News:

Latest Anime/Manga News!

Latest Video Game News! --A big thanks to Potatolicious628!

Latest Vocaloid News! (None yet...Be the first to post! )

AMVC's Latest Update! (6/8/10)

Newest Members! (6/8/10)


AMVC's banner by scoodi.

AMVC's background by Pantalaimon1467.

Music brought to you by: phantomgirl21 and pantsreminder.

Thank you all very much, guys!


I hope you enjoy your time on AMVC~ Brigade Chief-out!


Quick Question!!!

What do you guys think, bring back the commenting rank, or don't have it.

XD The reason why I ask this is because it's very hard to count up ALL of the comments on AMVC, but then again, maybe you'd like that for a ranking...?


On another note, still looking for an idea that can be added everyday, weekly, or monthly~ Just let me know by commenting on this post if you wanna' add a post pertaining to, whatever you'd like, everyday/weekly/or monthly! ^-^ (Remember, that you will recieve a special ranking, and a gift! ^-^)


And if you're feeling creative, you can always submit a new background, which will always be used! ^-^ (You will recieve a special ranking and a gift as well! ^-^)


Well, I'd better get headed to bed...good night everyone~

