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I hope you enjoy your time on AMVC~ Brigade Chief-out!


Haruhiism Returns?!

<<Cross-posted from my world>>

So, you know who the ASOS Brigade is, right? Well, if you don't, it stands for Americans Save Our World Suzumiya Haruhi Brigade. You can usually find them advertising for the Haruhi DVDs, with Patricia Ja Lee as Haruhi. Their small skit-type things are quite amusing, and you can find them on the North American releases of the Haruhi DVDs.

Anyway, I became a fan of them on Facebook, and just about an hour ago (10:00 PM Central) they updated their status with this:

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Normally the videos they make on Youtube are those that are released on the Haruhi DVDs. It's too bad though, the link they linked just takes you to the Youtube homepage. Maybe they'll update it later. Anyway, so they're returning. I hope your hopes are up.
EDIT: I didn't realize the link actually took you somewhere :P Anyway, here's the vid:

So, uh, I guess that proves it. They're dubbing season 2 of Haruhi, the music (I'm guessing) will be using Cristina Vee instead of Aya Hirano. There's a good chance Cristina Vee will be replacing Wendee Lee as Haruhi's dub voice. I think Cristina Vee could do an awesome job, but I will miss Wendee Lee.

And if that wasn't enough, they uploaded a picture on Friday, January 22nd, 2010 to their Facebook account. This is what it looks like:

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It's a pretty normal picture and description, but then look at the clock: it clearly says "88:88."
EDIT: I guess when I uploaded it's kind of hard to see, so here's a link to the Facebook picture here.

And not in a way similar to how clocks look when they don't display the numbers properly, but you can see it is nice and bright. Hope you know what I'm thinking about with this~
(...and if you don't: think about the second season of Haruhi. *shivers*)

As I stated above, They're dubbing season 2 of Haruhi. The music (I'm guessing) will be using Cristina Vee instead of Aya Hirano. There's a good chance Cristina Vee will be replacing Wendee Lee as Haruhi's dub voice. I think Cristina Vee could do an awesome job, but I will miss Wendee Lee.
