Hiya, I'm Angel! This is my most personal place on the internet.

Discord: frieza5570
DeviantArt: Angel1nks
Twitter: Michelangeline3
Instagram: michelangeline3

Buck Moon

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I downloaded the Hinge app! It was nice to see that Hinge actually had an asexual option! I want to build an altar for an ideal partner using tarot cards, flowers, and pictures of my squishes, but I need to finish moving first. Theres a full moon coming up in July, and as someone that practices an indigenous Mexican belief called Toltecayotl, I've got a special copper bell and white copal incense for the ceremony. Snake skin, rabbit fur, and cacao would be nice to have too, but I won't be able to get those things in time!

I'm driving across country ideally tomorrow, but there is so much stuff I have to pack! My family had to rent 3 storage units for all our stuff. I'm a lot more sad than I thought I would be, because I've lived at this house for six years. I love this town, but gentrification is really bad up here.

My old stomping grounds used to be known as the armpit of the state because it was a poor area, and now the majority of property here has been turned into expensive vacation rentals! I really wish there was some way the state gov could restrict turning single family homes into rentals. It's completely unethical, especially during a housing crisis. Houses sell extremely fast up here, and cost over $245,000! Who can afford that except real estate investors?


I'm super excited rn cuz someone posted on r/asexuality about a Pride event in old school Runescape so I had to check it out. I was getting the poems and then I went to talk to Annie at the bar and holy shit she's ACE!!!!!!!!!

Let me tell you how cool I think this is. As a real life asexual person, ace rep is so freaking hard to come by. My favorite part is how similar she looks to me and her name is similar too so I can now officially project myself onto a Runescape NPC!

My Sister's Boyfriend ugh...

Last week my sister visited for five days and she brought her boyfriend. Her bf is nice and I consider him a good acquaintance, but I don't want to hang out with him. Everything has to be his way. Me and my sister made plans to fi...

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Fresh Artwork in the Making

I've been working on a character piece for Theuderic, the father of Merowing. He hasn't shown up yet in the Saint Goblin comic, and he won't for a while but I wanted to draw him so I could officialize his design. In the story, he wields a great sword called Gladius Imperatoria, which Merowing's sword, the Heliand, is an imperfect replica. Theuderic will lead a group of soldiers known as the Trustis. Unlike the King's Twelve Peers, the Trustis are not paladins. They are more like rogue warriors.

I probably won't be done with this piece for a while. Unlike the 2 hr marker drawings from my sketchbook, full artwork can take me over a week to finish. I was going to make a digital watercolor background for it, but now I'm thinking I might leave it blank or hand draw a separate one. My dad got me a new set of watercolor pens, maybe I'll use those?

To be honest, his character design has become my favorite so far. Used to be Ebbo, but Theuderic's outfit is way more fun to draw! Next I'll try to draw a cute girl character instead of another swordsman.

So I guess I'm not a real DBZ fan

I started watching Dragon Ball Z when it aired on Toonami and I was like 8 years old. I was recently telling my older brother how much I enjoyed rewatching all the old episodes and movies when this boy decides to tell me I can't call myself a fan compared to him. Why? Because he was watching Dragon Ball before me and says he got me into it. This mfer is pretending that he showed me some cool underground anime as tho it didn't play on Cartoon Network at dinner time.

Its true he showed me a lot of cool anime movies growing up (like Princess Mononoke and Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust) but I was already watching whatever was on TV. Shit like Hamtaro, Pokemon, Digimon, DBZ, Yu yu Hakusho, Rurouni Kenshin, Inuyasha, etc. were all my intro into anime. Bro used to hate on hipsters all the time but mfer is a fuckin hipster. He's always saying he liked things before they were cool and that he introduced me to things as tho everyone else wasn't already watching it.

I tried to change the topic towards Dragon Ball Super and he tells me he stopped watching it because he hated it. Every time I make a suggestion or try to bring up something new he automatically starts shit talking it. He's so unpleasant to talk to. I was hoping we could have a nice conversation about an anime that I thought we both enjoyed but it always turns into a competition or a hate fest.

Just needed to vent. My bro is such a hipster!