Hiya, I'm Angel! This is my most personal place on the internet.

Discord: frieza5570
DeviantArt: Angel1nks
Twitter: Michelangeline3
Instagram: michelangeline3

Watercolor Journal: Rainy Day

I bought a bunch of watercolor art supplies from 5 Below, including a new watercolor paint set, a paint pad, paint brushes, and some chameleon wc paints. I'm tryna create at least one painting per day, or when the inspiration strikes. I've starte...

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Decolonizing for the Acatl Year

I created a collage for my ideal self. Its covered with my motivations and inspirations, including the overarching color that spoke to me for the Acatl year, terra-cotta. To grow, I need to unlearn the things holding me back. My biggest challenges are anxiety, decolonizing, sugary drinks, and meat consumption. Fruit, vegetables, and water need to be a bigger part of my diet.

I'm establishing symbolic new beginnings with myself, and I started by deleting my old DeviantArt account. I made the account in high school, but I hadn't logged in since 2014. I was a little sad to let it go, but it was something I wanted to do for a year now. I'm minimizing my past online presence; hell, I wanna eliminate my current online presence.

Still no luck yet with Hinge. I don't really know why I keep trying to test the boundaries of my asexuality. Sometimes it feels like I can't grow as an adult unless I find a partner. I keep thinking that because I have several squishes on fictional characters, that deep down I'm potentially open to a romantic relationship. Once again I think I might just settle for that ficto life.

Buck Moon

External Image

I downloaded the Hinge app! It was nice to see that Hinge actually had an asexual option! I want to build an altar for an ideal partner using tarot cards, flowers, and pictures of my squishes, but I need to finish moving first. Theres a full moon coming up in July, and as someone that practices an indigenous Mexican belief called Toltecayotl, I've got a special copper bell and white copal incense for the ceremony. Snake skin, rabbit fur, and cacao would be nice to have too, but I won't be able to get those things in time!

I'm driving across country ideally tomorrow, but there is so much stuff I have to pack! My family had to rent 3 storage units for all our stuff. I'm a lot more sad than I thought I would be, because I've lived at this house for six years. I love this town, but gentrification is really bad up here.

My old stomping grounds used to be known as the armpit of the state because it was a poor area, and now the majority of property here has been turned into expensive vacation rentals! I really wish there was some way the state gov could restrict turning single family homes into rentals. It's completely unethical, especially during a housing crisis. Houses sell extremely fast up here, and cost over $245,000! Who can afford that except real estate investors?

My Sister's Boyfriend ugh...

Last week my sister visited for five days and she brought her boyfriend. Her bf is nice and I consider him a good acquaintance, but I don't want to hang out with him. Everything has to be his way. Me and my sister made plans to fi...

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Now I'm 30 years old!

So March 30 is my birthday and I celebrated today by going to Frankenmuth MI for dinner with my sister! We're twins so it was a double celebration which is always fun. It's almost tradition to go there at this point. ...

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