Hiya, I'm Angel! This is my most personal place on the internet.

Discord: frieza5570
DeviantArt: Angel1nks
Twitter: Michelangeline3
Instagram: michelangeline3

What should I write next?

Once I finish Valle Lacrimarum, I plan to write more gothic and lolita themed shorts. I have three (actually there are alot more but I'm too lazy to write about them) in mind but I'm not sure which to begin first. They are called Frill Drop, Princess Peacemaker, and Unfading Queen.

Frill Drop is by far one of my oldest stories, featuring my beloved Zanub. Its even older than Monarchy X Anarchy. Despite its age, the story isn't very well developed. Zanub is a modern-day saint who has made it her goal to serve mankind as an angel. She dresses up in all white, wears little wings, and walks around town doing as many good deeds as possible. People are convinced she's a freak, but when Zanub receives a visit from a real angel, her wings become real and is assigned a job. If she completes the job successfully, then her greatest wish will be granted.
Princess Peacemaker is newer than Monarchy X Anarchy but older than Valle Lacrimarum. Basically, two girls, Christabelle and Darlina, who both love old literature become best friends. They stumble upon a mysterious play in an antique bookstore and when they perform this play for the school, it unlocks a new realm in which the play is set. In the story (the play) the world is at war and needs one who will stop the fighting. A knight in search of the Princess Peacemaker thinks Christabelle is the one that will bring the world into peace. He takes her and Darlina (who becomes her lady in waiting) to a neutral kingdom in which she is trained in the arts of elegance and mercy. It becomes Christabella's duty to give the play a happy and peaceful ending.
Idothea the Unfading Queen is about a legendary queen, named Idothea, who ruled the world a thousand years ago. She was said to be a goddess born in the flesh but was assassinated which ended her reign. A thousand years later, (modern times) a man obsessed with her legend attempts to resurrect her. She is so enraged that she was taken from heaven she tries to take over the world again.

So, out of the three, which should I start after Valle Lacrimarum? I intend for Unfading Queen to be the shortest of the three but I wanted to do something more upbeat since Valle Lacrimarum will be kind of a downer. Which would you guys like to see first? Frill Drop, Princess Peacemaker, or Idothea the Unfading Queen?

Monarchy X Anarchy

My main characters of Monarchy X Anrachy, Natalya's primary story! The Petite Affairs of Natalya was just a spin-off of mXa. Natalya Charnetskova- The Grand Duchess of Imperial Perovskia and daughter of the Czar. She enjoys...

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