Hiya, I'm Angel! This is my most personal place on the internet.

Discord: frieza5570
DeviantArt: Angel1nks
Twitter: Michelangeline3
Instagram: michelangeline3

Discord DMs, Frieza, and Microlabels

So the other day I had some guy from theOtaku's Discord in my DMs tryna find out if I was female or not. He asked if I was a girl because I mentioned cooking dinner earlier and girls do the cooking. I refused to answer him and then sent him a gif of Frieza killing Broly's father. Sexism makes me vomit so unfortunately I didn't get to make a new theOtaku friend.

TBH, Frieza has always given me intense gender envy. When I was like 8 yrs old I used to think Frieza was female because of his voice actor. I always wanted to cosplay him. I was thinkin about all my labels and remember how much I used to hate microlabels when I was a teenager. Even though I've identified as asexual since I was 15, I was still a brainwashed religious kid at the time and thought everyone else was just trying to be quirky leftists by attaching all sorts of labels to themselves. Now that I'm 30, microlabels are the most normal thing in the world to me. I'm aromantic, asexual, agender, voidpunk, aegosexual, nonbinary fictosexual, etc. 15 year old me would be so mad at me right now lol
