Hiya, I'm Angel! This is my most personal place on the internet.

Discord: frieza5570
DeviantArt: Angel1nks
Twitter: Michelangeline3
Instagram: michelangeline3

Back from the Youmacon!

I'm back! It was alot of fun but because of my lack of money, I had to break my four year old tradition of buying a cute stuffed animal every time I attend. Atleast I got two really cute rings from Paradise Rose and Tasty Peach Studio!

It was the first year that I found a Ganondorf cosplay and even though he wasn't the Ganon from Twilight Princess, I was still happy (because, you know, Ganondorf is my husband). In previous years we saw a zillion Wolf's Rain cosplayers but this time it was just me and an illusive Hige. There also wasn't a lolita photoshoot (or Nintendo!) like last year though there were plenty of lolis.
If you wanna see some more pictures of my Cheza cosplay, check out my album.

Youmacon 2011

I'm going to the Youmacon tomorrow so I won't be on theOtaku for 3-4 days. I'm almost finished with my Cheza cosplay and its looking pretty good. Is anyone else going to be there?
