My Sister's Boyfriend ugh...

Last week my sister visited for five days and she brought her boyfriend. Her bf is nice and I consider him a good acquaintance, but I don't want to hang out with him. Everything has to be his way.

Me and my sister made plans to finish watching season 2 of Made in Abyss and horror movies like Chud and the Thing. But because her bf has a low tolerance for gore and graphic content, we never got to watch horror movies or anime. Instead her bf wanted us to watch him play video games. I like games, but I'm not a "Gamer" like her bf. They stayed with me for five days, and 3 out of those 5 days were spent watching him play Legend of Zelda.

To make matters worse, he had to work so he took over my dad's computer desk for his work laptop. Her bf would jump between gaming and working on his computer while me and my sister sat on the couch. He'd also have work meetings in the middle of the living room and get really annoyed with us if we made a sound. I suggested that he go do his work in another room but he said in a sad baby voice "but I wanna hang out with you guys...."

One day we went to the beach, but her bf was really moody and depressed. He was also really distracted because his boss kept calling him. We had to stop what we were doing multiple times to ask him if he felt alright or if everything was okay at his work. We walked the shore but then he decided we needed to leave early because he had to work and he wasn't feeling good. Beach day was ruined because of her stupid fucking boyfriend.

These next two weeks will be the last I spend here in the state. Before I leave to move across country for good, my sister and I were planning to meet up one last time. I don't want to be an asshole and tell her that she can't bring her boyfriend, but I'm not sure I can deal with him again. I don't want to tip toe around him because he randomly decides to have a work meeting in the middle of the living room. I'm tired of having all of our activities canceled last minute because her boyfriend suddenly doesn't feel like it or is too busy with work. I don't want to hang out with my sister's boyfriend. I only want to hang out with my sister dammit!
