The Waffle (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/18/09 | Reply
Actually don't do either. Go to Walmart or sumwhere and get fabric glue. It works really good. Please trust me on this.
Senior Otaku | Posted 05/31/09 | Reply
Holy pie on a stick ! its been so long ! but im glad to see that your alive and well ^________________^ (ha!worlds fattest smiley!) and i think i will take your advice and practice before i do the real thing thanx !!!
Kyubi Elric
The Waffle (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/18/09 | Reply
Actually don't do either. Go to Walmart or sumwhere and get fabric glue. It works really good. Please trust me on this.
Otaku baby
Senior Otaku | Posted 05/31/09 | Reply
Holy pie on a stick ! its been so long ! but im glad to see that your alive and well ^________________^ (ha!worlds fattest smiley!) and i think i will take your advice and practice before i do the real thing thanx !!!