My name is Emmi, and I have only recently realized that life is short, and I must live it to the best of my ability. I'm thirteen, and I should probably tell you now that I struggle with depression. My dream is to see Wicked perform on Broadway. My friends and music are probably the closest things to me. ♥ I have glasses, and almost always wear all black and long skirts. I am a GOTHIC HIPPIE!~ And a bassist. Bwaha. My favorite stores are Hot Topic and Spencers. Easy buttons are awesome. 8D Now for the really mushy dedications... Angela: I wuv youuuu!~ *huggle* I promise the first place we'll go when we travel the world is Hot Topic headquarters. Hayley: I doubt you'll ever read this, but you'll always be my short little buddy.
It's happening all over the world, except for the United States of America. People are getting pissed about the economy. People are getting fired up to start over throwing their government. People are FINALLY starting to take control. Why is it not happening here, in the USA? It needs to start. Does anybody remember what started the Revolution? When the English soldiers fired the first shots at the American patriots? The Revolution needs to happen again. It's time for people to start taking over.
Consider the G20 Summit in England today. President Barack Obama is there, as I write, meeting the Queen, because of the power that this day holds. This is the day it begins. Don't you think it's strange that Michelle Obama is wearing all black? Rather odd for a First Lady like her. I think it's signifigant. Yes, if we do start protesting, in America espescially, people will die. People are going to get hurt. But isn't the freedom of the world worth it?
Thousands of people in England right now are breaking the walls of the Royal Bank of Scotland, storming banks everywhere, shouting "Abolish Money", and other chants.
It's time to stop being so ****ing scared and to start actually doing something about the goverment, and the economy, and the state of the world around us.
Me, and hopefully some people close to me, are going to be first in line to start it in America. It's worth getting hurt, or even killed, if it's for the right cause, in my opinion.
Ahhh, I'm really sorry I haven't been on. Things have been extremely rough, to say the very least. I doubt anybody even noticed I was gone though. .____.
Well, Merry extremely belated Christmas!~ :3 At least I got on in time to wish you a happy new year. Tomorrow is new years eve!~ ^___^ I hope 2009 goes really great for you all. *bows* I hope all of you got enough ramen this year, I wish I had. :D
I guess I don't need it anyway. -____-
I've been really depressed because all this shit is happening all the time. Pardon my french. Ah well, It'll hopefully get better.
This is my second new year I've had on the otaku!~ ^^
Of course the last one I had it was still MYotaku instead of THEotaku and ALL my friends were actually on it. >:(
But I'm glad you guys are still with meh!~ ^__^ *clings* Even though I never get on. And for that I apologize. *apologizes*
Well, now I've used up all my time and I have to get off. Happy New Year, once again. And please remember that I am still alive for now. *hugs* Byeee~
Please ignore the background, it's the only one I could think of for Halloween, and now I've forgotten how to add a new >.>'
Uhhh okay, since I last posted my parents have split up, and I kind of feel like it's my fault because I could have tried harder to keep them together and I didn't. mom tried to commit suicide again, so that sucks too. I had to help her through that and everything.
Also, day before yesterday my cousin Austin tried to rape me. That was frightening.
On a brighter note, I made a myspace. :D The URL is up there in my introduction section.
Uhhhhhh so yeah, my mom and sister and I are living at my grandmas' right now, and my dad is living at our real house. I don't think my mom is going to be going back there anymore, though. But I can deal with it. :D
So in case any of you have been wondering about me, that's why I haven't been getting on and posting very much. Now that we have internet here I'm going to try and get on everyday though. ^___^ I missed you all!~@
...Nothing much left to say. Oh waitwaitwait, okay, for Halloween this year me and my best friend Hope, and my really really close friend Hayley all dressed up as awesome freaks and walked around and scared people and it was so much fun! XD
I might actually post a picture of us if I can borrow it from Hope. :D
So, I'll talk to you all later...Byeeeeeee. :D:D:D
Well, since my last post I've gone to my grandma's house and while I was there I got glasses. I'm nearsighted. -_-'
Hope got to come with me, though, so it was fun. :D
I wouulldddd post a picture of myself with them on but I'd crack your computer screen because I'm so UGLY!~ XD
Moving on. Lately I've been on this mad Secondhand Serenade and Placebo thing. XD That's all I've been listening to lately. Actually, I haven't even been on the computer that much lately. I've been trying to get on and comment on your all's posts but I've kind of been failing. DX But, I'm going to be on more now. :D Yeaahhh...How have you all been? My life has been very confusing lately. Lot's of yelling back and forth at each other. x_x
Meh, oh well. XD
But, yeah, I'm bored. .-.
Welllll I'm off to get something to drink. Goodbye.
Hope I didn't bore you to death. XD
Hi. o_o I've been having some strange things happen to me since I posted last. Well, it all started at Big Lots. Have any of you ever noticed that the emo boys always shop there? It's weirdly awesome. This, my friends, is Alex Evans.
He made himself popular among girls like me, by posting pictures of himself on the internet doing cute poses. X3 Now, imagine a boy looking almost exactly like that, except with green eyes, in Big Lots. AHA! Well using my strange magic- (actually I was on the phone with Hope at the time and she told me to say it, but still.) -I went up to him and said, it the most nerdy way possible by complete accident, "Hi. You have awesome hair." He stared at me for a moment like: "O_o" Then said: "Um, thanks.." And walked away. I stood on the phone there for a minute going "AHA I CAN'T BELIEVE I JUST SAID THAT GIGGLE GIGGLE" I was such a girl in that moment. DX But anyway, I got off the phone and started looking through the books because I was, you know, standing the the book aisle and all. And theeennnn he comes up and goes: "You have awesome hair too. *BLUSH*" And I say: ":O Why thank you." And then he kinda walks off. Teehee. X3
But yeah, anyway, that happened about a week or two ago now and I just now got around to writing it. -_-' But, in more current news, Hope is now back from Texas; (yay!~) And shall now continue to spread her love and goodwill towards everyone. :D
She stayed the weekend at my house when she got back, and we had a lot of fun. We alsoooo went to Hot Topics the day she left, (Hot Topics: A totally awesome store chock full of awesomeness) Where she got a Death Note shirt and an Atreyu hat. X3 I got a Panic! At The Disco CD and a black and white checkered wristband, and a Charlie and the Unicorn button. :D I was really happy until my mom said the wristband reminded her of Nascar. I don't like Nascar. x_x
Then we went to Hope's house, and it was dark and kinda late at that time, and hung out there while the adults watched a meteor shower. Hayley and I, (If you don't remember Hayley, she's one of Hope's friends who we hang out with sometimes. She's very hyper.) were kind half way watching it. And then this bad thing happened and it was all my fault and Hope and I got into a fight but it was kinda one sided (my side) and it was all my fault and wah. ;-;
But everything is okay now. :D
Well, I'm going to get off now because my mom wants to get on. But I shall leave you with a Charlie the Unicorn video. XD Bye!~
Ewwww....I was drinking a glass of water while writing this and I just looked in it and it's a dirty cup. DX And it's empty now. Ew.