Well, I'm glad u still sound happy with everything goin on :]
I hope everything goes better from now on ^__^
Can't wait to see the piccy (if you put it up >.>)
im hopeing that you are doing better now!!!
im sory that that all happend to youi can kik that guys but for yah
sounds like you had a fun time on haloween,hope you can put piks up that would be cool to see you guys dresed up all freacky XD
XxI wuv PockyxX
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/09/08 | Reply
Well, I'm glad u still sound happy with everything goin on :]
I hope everything goes better from now on ^__^
Can't wait to see the piccy (if you put it up >.>)
red kie
Otaku Eternal | Posted 11/09/08 | Reply
im hopeing that you are doing better now!!!
im sory that that all happend to youi can kik that guys but for yah
sounds like you had a fun time on haloween,hope you can put piks up that would be cool to see you guys dresed up all freacky XD
)Oo~ Black rabit ~oO(
Otakuite | Posted 11/09/08 | Reply
I'm so sorry that happened, Emmi!
I hope you don't have to see that guy for a long time.
On the otehr note... Freaks? Nice! XD