Dear Diary...

May 2nd
I went to the library today like other weekends with my dear brother. He’s too busy with his friends, and I’m busy searching for a couple of books for me to borrow and read this coming two weeks. I found a copy of Sherlock Holmes and Lisa Scottoline’s.

While waiting for my bro, I read the Sherlock Holmes at a deserted area near multimedia corner. Gosh, how I hate visiting the library during semester breaks. Too many distractions from those couples that went to the library for their dates. What a very odd choice for date!

Busy concentrating the story, I didn’t even realise what happen around me. Before I started reading, the librarian in multimedia corner was a woman. A very kind lady she is. I guess she’s the only one with good attitude there. After reading for maybe ten pages, I really need to stretch up my nearly-broken neck. Looking up at the glass and found a male librarian there startled me! Gosh, I nearly got heart attack that time.

He’s kinda cute, really but then I realised, person at his age maybe engaged or even married to someone! Gosh. (Lost my appetite to think about him already.) But then my mind can’t stop remembering his cute face. Urgh, I really need to have a brainwash or something to be part of this real world.

I really hope he will vanish from my head after waking up tomorrow leaving only me and my only Mr. F.