Dear Diary...

May 7th
How disappointed to watch Chelsea beaten up by Barcelona at today’s game. I woke up at 2 a.m. just to watch how my Frank Lampard and John Terry got upset after the game. How upsetting. I saw one of the fans cried and Didier Drogba became like having a mental breakdown. It’s such a disappointing game.
Anyway, my sis read my unfinished novel about love, of course. And guess what? She likes it very much! Well, I’d just write it for the beginning because I got interrupted in the middle of working on it and it made me lost all my ideas. Shame on me I’m that type of a person. It’s kinda hard for me to write novels.

And today, I got the chance to SMS with my two former friends (boys) and it’s all because of soccer. Well, at least I can prove them I’m not the one who will forget her friends, didn’t I? And definitely, I’m not a snob.

Having a very long holiday making me crazy. I think I’d never write a diary continuously like this except when I’m in form three. Because it’s the only year I really had a crush on my senior and I’m really crazy about him. And for my entire life I’d never be braver than myself at that time. I share that ‘story’ with my diary and my friends. And somehow, he knew about it but I still manage to walk out with I’m-not-guilty face in front of that cute senior.
Only the difference is I didn’t feel so great nowadays like that particular year. Well of course it’s because I’m not in love with anyone right now and didn’t have the blooming in my heart. Duh.

May 11th
Last night, it’s Chelsea vs Arsenal. I don’t really know who won but I definitely know it was Chels because before I went to bed, Chels scored three goals already and it’s just 50 minutes of the game. Terrific!

‘I don’t know how, I don’t know why, but I can feel something right now...”

It’s a part of Little Mermaids’ theme song when Ariel met her prince for the first time. That’s when she fell in love with him. And right now, that song is repeating in my head. I don’t know how and why I kept thinking about Mr. F today. Old folks used to say if we remember someone in a sudden, it means he/she are also thinking about us at that time. Is he?

I kept remembering about how he walked, he talked, and how he looked at me each time we bumped to each other at the small school. We always met each other but had never talked but his best friend, Mr. S had given us the chance one day. I was in the same team with Mr. S so we always talked to each other like normal friends. That day, Mr. S came into my class with Mr. F. I was all alone packing up my things to get home. He just came to say hi etc. I forgot to hide my examination papers that I put on other student’s desk. When I saw they were looking at those papers, I knew I was too late. I had never shared my examination papers with any boys because it’s included in my private life part.

Mr. F looked a bit shocked when he realise how stupid I am in my study (I guess so) but he covered it up very well in his gentle voice when he asked about me. So, there he goes, asking me one question after another.

But, after that day, I was too shy to talk to him or even look at him when I saw his eyes staring at me. I’m too shy because he’d got into my private life so easy and yet, he had never criticized me like other boys did (now I know why I hated boys so much long ago). Of course, I still talked to Mr. S after that day but not for long because Mr. F was always be at his side but never try to chip in. He’d just stare at me and make me felt uncomfortable.

May 15th
It’s been quite sometimes I forgot to write in this diary. Maybe because of too exhausted with my activities plus catch a cold lately. Yesterday, I went to the library to send those books I’d borrowed in previous week and I had a chance to surf the net using my sis’s notebook. As usual, I looked into theO first. X had changed his avatar. I prefer the last one he used, much more attractive. <lol>

This Sunday, my older sis will be going to her college. She’s gonna be gone for about four years I think. And I’m gonna be all alone. Thumbs-up to me!
I’d made some wallpapers and cards to be uploaded later into theO. And can’t wait to do so which is maybe two or three months from now. To be precise, it’s when I got into the college.