Ahaha, thank you so much ichitaka-san~ ;w; Glad to be back for the time being. A whole lot of you have excelled so very much on your artwork, it amazes me. Glad to talk to you again! >u< -glomp-
Thank you~ ;U; B'aaaw, well I'll try to come on here more often although that's what I seem to say every time. orz||| I like lurking around from time to time though so I'll hopefully see you around more! owo/ -waves- And yes, love stuff. |D Quite complicated really. Whenever I try to explain the whole situation, it's like... HOLYGUACAMOLE. It's uber long~ ;3;''' -because there're tons of stuff that's happened- But I have fweinds to help me through this sooo yeah. c': hehe. <3 But glad to hear from you again too, Luka-chan! >w< -huggu- Luff joo~
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/03/10 | Reply
Ahaha, thank you so much ichitaka-san~ ;w; Glad to be back for the time being. A whole lot of you have excelled so very much on your artwork, it amazes me. Glad to talk to you again! >u< -glomp-
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/03/10 | Reply
Thank you~ ;U; B'aaaw, well I'll try to come on here more often although that's what I seem to say every time. orz||| I like lurking around from time to time though so I'll hopefully see you around more! owo/ -waves- And yes, love stuff. |D Quite complicated really. Whenever I try to explain the whole situation, it's like... HOLYGUACAMOLE. It's uber long~ ;3;''' -because there're tons of stuff that's happened- But I have fweinds to help me through this sooo yeah. c': hehe. <3 But glad to hear from you again too, Luka-chan! >w< -huggu- Luff joo~
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/02/10 | Reply
Sounds like you have busy life. Well come back when ever you have free time.