Hey guys^^ This is my new world called Anime Oishii :) Its a world all about funny and informaitve anime things. It will usually contain images and very less words so that your time doesn't get wasted alot in reading stuff...Enjoy this world guys :)
- Created By Hifsa
Whats your Anime? Now give it a name!
Well, long time, no see! xD
I am back and back with a tough one!
So, lets see whats mine: I may as well be from Guilty because that hits my description. Idk. :P Well, shall have some fun with this.
What's your cosmic name?
Lol, guys, I'm Wanda the grumpy wolf, hahahahahahahahaha!!!!
So, guys tell me yours! :D
Levi and the last thing you ate will be his last name, What is it?
The last thing I ate are French Toast, so his name will be "Levi French Toast" Hahahahahahahahahahahaha XDDDDDD