oh, ahaha... same here though, before you explain this to me, I was so nervous from the start coz I don't know what to do, I've tried to look at one of the members work from last year's SS and it looked kinda complicated to me... but since you've already explained it then I won't have any worries...
Just wanna thank you again...
It was kind of both an explanation and helpful advice. I've done a few of the SS events and I remember how nervous I was the first time. I 'm still debating on wether or not to join this year.
That's exactly it. Some SS specify a specific art you have to kake, such as wallpaper, others leave it open for you to decide. But otherwise you create a drawing or wallpaper for something on their wishlist and that's what you'll gift them when the time comes.
Now you wait. Once sign up time is over you will get a PM letting you know who you are going to be secrectly gifting. Once you know who they are you look at their wishlist and create then a gift.
Mindys Person (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/13/15 | Reply
Is this for one of the secret santa things? If so, usually the organizer of the event will PM you with someone you are to secretly gift. You go to their site, look at their wishlist, and create something for them. Likewise, whoever ends up being your secret santa will look at your wishlist to create something for you.
If this isn't a secret santa thing, then I have no answers for you. Sorry.
Mindys Person (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/14/15 | Reply
Your welcome. Have fun!
Otakuite++ | Posted 11/14/15 | Reply
oh, ahaha... same here though, before you explain this to me, I was so nervous from the start coz I don't know what to do, I've tried to look at one of the members work from last year's SS and it looked kinda complicated to me... but since you've already explained it then I won't have any worries...

Just wanna thank you again...
Mindys Person (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/14/15 | Reply
It was kind of both an explanation and helpful advice. I've done a few of the SS events and I remember how nervous I was the first time. I 'm still debating on wether or not to join this year.
Otakuite++ | Posted 11/14/15 | Reply
Oh!, I see, *whew!* what a relief...

Anyway, Thanks for explaining!!
(or was it an information? an advice? hmm...
Mindys Person (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/14/15 | Reply
You only pick one.
Otakuite++ | Posted 11/14/15 | Reply
do you like... have to make everything on what's on the wishlist?
or just pick which one you wanted to do?
Mindys Person (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/14/15 | Reply
That's exactly it. Some SS specify a specific art you have to kake, such as wallpaper, others leave it open for you to decide. But otherwise you create a drawing or wallpaper for something on their wishlist and that's what you'll gift them when the time comes.
Otakuite++ | Posted 11/13/15 | Reply
what kind of gift, for example?
Is it like... creating a wallpaper for them based on what they list on their wishlist?
Mindys Person (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/13/15 | Reply
Now you wait. Once sign up time is over you will get a PM letting you know who you are going to be secrectly gifting. Once you know who they are you look at their wishlist and create then a gift.
Otakuite++ | Posted 11/13/15 | Reply
I'm looking forward for Secret Santa
Otakuite++ | Posted 11/13/15 | Reply
well, this is the SS thing...
It's just... I don't know what to do after...
~Nikkeh~ (Grand Otaku) | Posted 11/13/15 | Reply
That's a pretty good list to start out with!! I'm so excited for SS (:
Mindys Person (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/13/15 | Reply
Is this for one of the secret santa things? If so, usually the organizer of the event will PM you with someone you are to secretly gift. You go to their site, look at their wishlist, and create something for them. Likewise, whoever ends up being your secret santa will look at your wishlist to create something for you.
If this isn't a secret santa thing, then I have no answers for you. Sorry.