Master of Lists (Senior Otaku) | Posted 02/12/25 | Reply
Depends how the fanservice is portrayed, if that's all they have, then it may as well be hentai, a little bit in an otherwise compelling anime is not going to break it.
The anime world would be very dull without fanservice, like the world itself you need balance, too much fanservice is crass but no fanservice and you quickly become forgotten, this goes for both sides be it female or male characters.
I agree, it's also my friend that made that group on dA, Rosario + Vampire, has a lot of fan service and it put me off it quite a bit, though I've been lucky with the other mangas I've read ^^
Courage isnt a matter of not being afraid, Its being afraid and doing what you have to do anyway!
Fan service is something that appeals to the fans and satisfy them, it doesn't necessarily have to be perverted (like certain attacks, lines or things that characters do, cameos and such).
But of course it is very well used for the things that you mentioned as well. And yes, it is true that they can be quite bad, even overdoing it can ruin the series, but again it is called "fan service" meaning that many anime fans like to see it. It is one of those things that distance the anime out of other standard cartoons.
I do agree though, Clannad is a good example of how anime can be great even without the usage of those things. Some other anime use it as a comedy (like Sora no Otoshimono, I actually quite like that series, it is very funny and entertaining), but like I said, overdoing it and just putting it at some points when it is not needed is of course not necessary and can ruin the moment.
The Wandering Elf (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/17/12 | Reply
I couldn't agree more! I've always hated fan service - It's enough to ruin an anime when they go over-the-top with it. I'm all for good stories and characters ^-^
Master of Lists (Senior Otaku) | Posted 02/12/25 | Reply
Depends how the fanservice is portrayed, if that's all they have, then it may as well be hentai, a little bit in an otherwise compelling anime is not going to break it.
The anime world would be very dull without fanservice, like the world itself you need balance, too much fanservice is crass but no fanservice and you quickly become forgotten, this goes for both sides be it female or male characters.
Ellenor Mererid
Spoilers ;3 (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/17/12 | Reply
I agree, it's also my friend that made that group on dA, Rosario + Vampire, has a lot of fan service and it put me off it quite a bit, though I've been lucky with the other mangas I've read ^^
Courage isnt a matter of not being afraid, Its being afraid and doing what you have to do anyway!
Drachen Herz (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/17/12 | Reply
Fan service is something that appeals to the fans and satisfy them, it doesn't necessarily have to be perverted (like certain attacks, lines or things that characters do, cameos and such).
But of course it is very well used for the things that you mentioned as well. And yes, it is true that they can be quite bad, even overdoing it can ruin the series, but again it is called "fan service" meaning that many anime fans like to see it. It is one of those things that distance the anime out of other standard cartoons.
I do agree though, Clannad is a good example of how anime can be great even without the usage of those things. Some other anime use it as a comedy (like Sora no Otoshimono, I actually quite like that series, it is very funny and entertaining), but like I said, overdoing it and just putting it at some points when it is not needed is of course not necessary and can ruin the moment.
kita mikichi
Chibi Artist Girl (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/17/12 | Reply
Yes, I've seen many anime ruined with fan service as well. It's really a fan disservice. Thanks for the comment. :D
The Wandering Elf (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/17/12 | Reply
I couldn't agree more! I've always hated fan service - It's enough to ruin an anime when they go over-the-top with it. I'm all for good stories and characters ^-^