Hey, guys!
It's been a while since I've just sat down and written an update, so here goes. Things are a little better now than they were when I wrote my last update. I still haven't bounced back 100% from the side effects of that medication, though. I finally got a break from work a couple weeks ago and am getting back into the swing now, but that's been up and down (as all jobs will be; there was just too much to deal with at once at the beginning of the year). My family is dealing with some things that I won't go into here.
Creativity-wise, while I was off from work, I finally made some headway after my dead halt on the Eternal Rain rewrite! *cheers* I've been working a little more on the writing and development side recently but getting some drawing in here and there. You may have noticed my spurt of OC Library posts -- that's a structural rework of the existing OC Library that's currently built out as five or six multi-page posts. I wanted to make it so each listing could be tagged and updated individually. So, apologies for spamming your backrooms while I reformat that!
What's going on with you guys? Any last-hurrah plans for summer break (for those of you in school/college)? Anybody doing any cool art challenges? (I've been seeing a lot of Art Fight event pieces!) I hope everyone's doing okay! ^-^
How's everybody doing?
Hope your year is off to a better start than mine. I've been dealing with a health thing and the side effects of the medication since the tail end of December. (Nothing major but quite a discomfort.) -_- At the same time, my car died on me, I've had a lot to deal with at work, and it's just been stress and frustration piled on top of each other. I usually have a break from work at the end of December, and I didn't get to enjoy it at all. (On the upside, the car is fixed now, and it thankfully wasn't a major expense.)
Because of all this, I haven't been in a good headspace for creativity. I've only drawn a little bit. Hope to share a couple doodles with you soon. In the meantime, been listening to a lot of tunes, reading quite a bit of manga and webtoons, and re-watching Haikyuu for relaxation. A new anime series that's been cute so far is "Mr. Villain's Day Off". I've been wanting to write a thing about Your Lie in April for a while, so you may be seeing that post here soon.
And that's about it from me for now. Enjoy your weekend, guys! ^-^
Hey, guys! Hope you're all doing well!
Once again, a year is wrapping up! *insert brain explosions* We've hit the first official day of fall in my area (and yet, here I sit with the windows open while it's 70 degrees outside). Are you guys starting to see the fall colors? For those of you back in school/college, how are things?
I can sum up the year thus far as a year of changes in my family and at work -- a little too much change on the latter front. It has been hectic, and while I've been doing art to relax, I haven't really been in a headspace to write; so, "Pet Projects" is now also at a dead halt. The OC Analysis series I've been doing is an effort at breaking that block a bit so when I can finally write, I'll hopefully come back to it with some character improvements.
Been doing some reading too, mainly Webtoons. Some of my favorites seem to be on an indefinite hiatus, though, including "The Playpen", "AstralSounds" and "My Next-door Neighbors" (which I recommend!). *sigh*
It's great to see theO's Challenges section so lively!! :D And, speaking of challenges, OCtober/Inktober is upon us! Is anybody participating in an art challenge coming up? Feel free to share which one(s)! I'm looking forward to seeing the site active with art challenge pieces.
'Til next time, stay well and stay safe, everybody! *^-^*
So, the family computer died at a good old age, and our new one runs Windows 11, which is not getting along with the printer. It prints... but I cannot scan. :( I've got some new art in the works and maybe I'll submit with the camera on my tablet if I can figure out how to get a good-quality pic. Otherwise, it may be a bit before you see any new art from me.

Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying some nice spring weather!
Hello, everybody! Hope you're all doing well. ^^ What's new with you?
As for me, I'm now officially a full-time work-at-homer. Yup, that was sudden. XD After working from home for the two years since the big "P" word that no one wants to hear about [insert head explosions], my job then said, "Let's make it official." So, that's the biggest change recently.
My list of Webtoons keeps growing. "The Playpen" is my dose of sweet slice-of-life. "Dr. Frost" is my favorite drama/psychological. Oh, and then there's "Your Smile is a Trap" for cute romcom hijinks and "AstralSounds" for sci-fi. I'll be posting a "Playpen" fanart soon (probably after writing this post XD).

Everything else is pretty much business as usual, so I'll stop rambling now. Stay safe, and well wishes to all of you!