Series: Eternal Rain Universe
Gender: Male
Age: 14 (Eternal Rain) | 16 (Eternal Storm)
Date of Birth: August 14
Build: Short, medium weight (Eternal Rain) | Tall & slender (Eternal Storm) (5'9 , 150 lbs)
Skintone: Fair
Hair color: Crimson-red
Eye color: Ice-blue
Special Abilities: Fire & lava manipulation
Special Items: Water Key
Background: Lives in the Llania region, Fire Gate. Only child of a lieutenant in the Llanian army and his wife, who was born into wealth. When Reka was only eight years old, his best friend, a lower-class boy named Hisao, was killed.
Personality: Stand-offish and nonchalant with people he's recently met, but kind at heart. He is infamously stubborn, very emotional, and recklessly protective of his friends. When provoked, has a hot temper and is prone to say things he will later regret.
Related to: Lt. Haru Norikawa (father), Amara (mother)
Close friends with: Toki, Shuichi, Katsushiro, Daisuke, Kita, Takeshi, Yuki, Shiori, Toshiro, Sora
Doesn't get along with: his father, Satoshi, Yousef, Jun-ai (at first)
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I've realized recently (thanks to the crossover stories I was working on) that out of my four major writing projects, child abuse is a prominent theme in two, and the character I created for that DA roleplay a few years back has the same backgroun...
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MetalLegendAlpha (DA): Would you all like to hop on the bandwagon?

1) Go here
Ohmygoodness, I got different results here so I'm going to clarify/edit these
2) Answer the following Questions
3) Once you get your results, paste them in this journal
You can do this with multiple characters, or just one.
I think it's more fun with multiple characters so that you can compare.
I choose:
1) Reka (Eternal Rain universe)
2) Hikari (Search for the Sky)
3) Naoyuki (So Distant)
4) Khalil (dis-colour RP)

1) Reka's score is ESFP
He has marginal or no preference of Extraversion over Introversion (3%)
He has slight preference of Sensing over Intuition (22%)
He has moderate preference of Feeling over Thinking (38%)
He has slight preference of Perceiving over Judging (12%)
My Thoughts:
ESFP is described as "the life of the party" -- someone who loves to entertain and loves to talk. That's not really true of Reka. He doesn't consider himself a "people person", but he isn't necessarily a loner -- he just takes a while to warm up to people. Until he does open up to someone, he keeps to himself, especially disliking to talk about his personal life. He prefers to play support roles rather than be in the limelight himself. Since he can usually tell when something is wrong, he often gets himself mixed up in others' problems. He's extremely emotional and goes with his gut feelings and therefore can be quite reckless or sharp-tongued under certain circumstances. Reka isn't afraid to stand up for his beliefs. These traits fall under the INFJ or ISFJ personality types, which can display some extroverted traits.

2) Hikari's score is ESFP
He has slight preference of Extraversion over Introversion (22%)
He has slight preference of Sensing over Intuition (12%)
He has moderate preference of Feeling over Thinking (38%)
He has slight preference of Perceiving over Judging (16%)
My Thoughts:
Yeah, for the most part, this is Hikari. He can appear "air-headed" to others, as he blurts out whatever comes to mind and can rattle on and on. He's also not very good at thinking things through. He does very much enjoy being around people (though at the same time, he can be quite wary of people because of his powers).

3) Naoyuki's score is ISFJ (humanmetrics.com) | ISFP (16personalities.com)
He has strong preference of Introversion over Extraversion (91%)
He has moderate preference of Sensing over Intuition (44%)
He has slight preference of Feeling over Thinking (22%)
He has marginal or no preference of Judging over Perceiving (1%)
My Thoughts:
Naoyuki was tougher to identify, but that is probably because he has an avoidant personality disorder, which throws complications into the mix. He does have some traits from each type, though.
ISFJ - Shy, patient, practical, observant, and clings to the few people he trusts. Naoyuki cares a lot about what other people think and feel and takes criticism very personally. He's a hard worker, and he feels like he has to do things himself. He has a hang-up about what he wants vs. what he thinks he should have (though that's more a self-esteem issue).
ISFP - Quiet, sensitive, curious, kind and artistic. He's easily stressed and has issues with his self-esteem.

4) Khalil's score is INFJ
You have moderate preference of Introversion over Extraversion (31%)
You have marginal or no preference of Intuition over Sensing (3%)
You have moderate preference of Feeling over Thinking (31%)
You have slight preference of Judging over Perceiving (6%)
My Thoughts:
Khalil doesn't have the decisiveness associated with the INFJ personality type and doesn't like to make waves, or else, I would say this was correct.
Khalil may be closer to ISFJ - Responsible, loyal, reserved and cautious. He is stuck on propriety/convention because he was being groomed to handle business dealings, so he's always polite. A people-pleaser, he likes to be of help to others and doesn't like to be a source of trouble or worry. He also isn't comfortable in leadership roles.
...Or ISFP - Quiet, friendly, sensitive, curious and kind. Dislikes disagreements and conflicts and keeps his opinions to himself. He is committed to his values and to the people close to him.
Just 'cause this time. XD
1.) Post the rules.
2.) Post 8 facts about your character.
3.) Tag 8 other characters.
4.) Post their names along with their creators avatars
I'm tellin' all Reka's secrets!! :...
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