I'm Not Dead! (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/06/10 | Reply
I don't hate Bleach, I just get lost far to easy. There are also to many episodes for me. lol I'll have to try re-watching it again soon. Two animes I think you might like is Devil May Cry and Aishiteruze Baby, if you ever get a chance.
Well,what to say about this. I agree with everything.^^ And I don't know what those haters are thinking. I mean if they don't like it,at least say you professional opinion,and that is that this is one of the best animes ever.Nuff said.
And thank you for putting up the video there. It was nice again to fall in nostalgia,and experience the first episode.
Last edited by LightFykki at 2:47:51 PM CST on November 9, 2010.
Primadonna (Otaku Legend) | Posted 11/06/10 | Reply
@Momiji Fangirl:
You're welcome! I hope you enjoy the series! :DD
Primadonna (Otaku Legend) | Posted 11/06/10 | Reply
Yeah, it is pretty confusing and you have to have a lot of time to keep up with watching episodes and all that. ^^
Okay, thanks for the suggestions! I'll definitely try them out!
Momiji Fangirl
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 11/06/10 | Reply
Thanks so much! Just by seeing the opening, I can tell it's going to be good

I'm Not Dead! (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/06/10 | Reply
I don't hate Bleach, I just get lost far to easy. There are also to many episodes for me. lol I'll have to try re-watching it again soon. Two animes I think you might like is Devil May Cry and Aishiteruze Baby, if you ever get a chance.
Drachen Herz (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/06/10 | Reply
Well,what to say about this. I agree with everything.^^ And I don't know what those haters are thinking. I mean if they don't like it,at least say you professional opinion,and that is that this is one of the best animes ever.Nuff said.
And thank you for putting up the video there. It was nice again to fall in nostalgia,and experience the first episode.
Last edited by LightFykki at 2:47:51 PM CST on November 9, 2010.