But of course I did!!! It's like...one of my fave mangas EVerrrrr!! ROFL
OH i know!! It's gonna be so EPIC!!! I mean...the three of them coming face-to-face again!!! I really don't see Zero hating Yuki, though I think he'll ACT LIKE IT! XD
All the chapters are too short for me T.T LOL I always want more v Knight.
As I said, THIS Zero is much more attractive to me. :) I still love Kaname as always, but I love Zero much more this way. I just really miss Ichiru! TT.TT
*squeal* you continue reading vampire knight, kira? I thought you stopped xD I like that chapter, but it's too short >.< and yay~ I love zero even more~ I can't wait for the ball, kira :3 wonder what happens when yuuki and zero meet each other after more than 1 year <3
Support KIRA
Sleeping Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/06/09 | Reply
@Clyne Lacus:
But of course I did!!! It's like...one of my fave mangas EVerrrrr!! ROFL
OH i know!! It's gonna be so EPIC!!! I mean...the three of them coming face-to-face again!!! I really don't see Zero hating Yuki, though I think he'll ACT LIKE IT! XD
All the chapters are too short for me T.T LOL I always want more v Knight.
As I said, THIS Zero is much more attractive to me. :) I still love Kaname as always, but I love Zero much more this way. I just really miss Ichiru! TT.TT
Clyne Lacus
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/06/09 | Reply
*squeal* you continue reading vampire knight, kira? I thought you stopped xD I like that chapter, but it's too short >.< and yay~ I love zero even more~ I can't wait for the ball, kira :3 wonder what happens when yuuki and zero meet each other after more than 1 year <3
Best wishes,