Oh my....that certainly IS a problem. Though from reading them, I would say you are either a Snake, a Dog, or a Boar--Stark-sama. XD In each of those, there's a little bit of you. ((And NO, I didn't pick dog because of your WOLF form...))
Check out my new post, you can read them for yourself and see what you'd like to be. *laughs*
Support KIRA
Sleeping Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/09/10 | Reply
Oh my....that certainly IS a problem. Though from reading them, I would say you are either a Snake, a Dog, or a Boar--Stark-sama. XD In each of those, there's a little bit of you. ((And NO, I didn't pick dog because of your WOLF form...))
Check out my new post, you can read them for yourself and see what you'd like to be. *laughs*
Blood Huntress
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/08/10 | Reply
*raises hand while bouncing all around* Me thinks I'm year of the horse?
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/08/10 | Reply
from what i know, im a Tiger....>.>
Professor Tardis (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/08/10 | Reply
lol both my parents are tigers. I'm a Snake >X3 But yet I got nicknamed Hatsuharu last year lolz //_^
Otaku Legend | Posted 01/08/10 | Reply
*yawns*...interesting...I wonder what animal I am...after all being an Espada...I don't even know my birth year...*rubs chin*
smoking crimson
Sunrise (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/08/10 | Reply
I'm a pig. :) Anything about them? :D
Last edited by CrimsonANBU at 9:35:03 AM EST on January 8, 2010.