You have to love those tacky, yet delectable, chocolate hearts. :D Happy Valentines Day to you, and I hope everyone reads this and gets the message that this isn't only a day for people with significant others! There are many people out there who deserve love too. ^^
Professor Tardis (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/15/11 | Reply
*waves Verex/RaXi flag for old times sake* >D
Bae Status (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/15/11 | Reply
*huggles* Happy lovey Vday to you too Kira-sama ^^
Primadonna (Otaku Legend) | Posted 02/14/11 | Reply
You have to love those tacky, yet delectable, chocolate hearts. :D Happy Valentines Day to you, and I hope everyone reads this and gets the message that this isn't only a day for people with significant others! There are many people out there who deserve love too. ^^
Take care~