this is the world where my random drawings..
..and random events..
..and stuff that happens wid 'em,
...get to see the light of theO, man!..haha..

like stuff that i drew but haven't tweaked yet..ENJOY!

yo seob

i tried drawing real people again..hehehe..unfortunately for yo seob oppa..he was the one i saw..at first i was gonna try gi kwang oppa (also of B2ST)..but it didn't turnt out that good..hehe..
So here he is>>

why is there no B2ST in the music category either??!!...
i posted this here thinking there was gonna be B2ST in the category since there was SHINee ans Super Junior and some other Kpop and Jpop pips..hmmm...

xianlee <3 gi kwang

hehe..i know i know....

i'm such a fangirl
hehehe..but it never hurts to dream..does it?
