this is the world where my random drawings..
..and random events..
..and stuff that happens wid 'em,
...get to see the light of theO, man!..haha..

like stuff that i drew but haven't tweaked yet..ENJOY!

me and my unnis fav pasttimes!! part 1

imma start with the eldest..hahaha..
i got an idea from the challenge "summer days"..haha and got me thinking
imma post what me and my unnis do every summer!..hahaha...

well im only gonna post the favorite things we love to do every summer haha to be specific..haha^^

so yeah on with my first unni...>> angie!!

she loves to cook...wahahaha...and she cooks good!!...yeah!!...my most favorite that she made was the baked macaroni that she cooked up one rainy day because we were cooped up in the house and bored at that. haha we ended up eating her deeelishuz baked mac while watching "white chicks" on dvd..hahaha...it was soo like girl bonding time only with pasta rather than candy and popcorn..haha^^..
oh what fun!
