this is the world where my random drawings..
..and random events..
..and stuff that happens wid 'em,
...get to see the light of theO, man!..haha..

like stuff that i drew but haven't tweaked yet..ENJOY!

ragdoll riding hood

soo this is part of the ragdoll series that i was mentioning about in the challenge TWISTED FAIRYTALE..hehe..this is like, my third installment of i think five installments that im going to make..hehehe

so this is the story, un:
red tiding hood is this naughty pranksterwhose parents use magic potions..hehe
one day she messed up wid dem potions and one ended up in the picnic basket which was supposed to be for her grandmother (that was actually her intention of course!)....when her grandmother drank/ ate the potion(whichever works for you guys) the old lady turned into a werewolf!..tadah!!..and along came the hunterand saw the ruckus and killed the werewolf, not knowing the truth. red riding hood kept her mouth shut and evrybody applauded the hunter for saving the little girl and everybody lived happily ever after..
or so they thought..

haha..it's not much...and i was too lazy to tweak the drawing so i'm just posting it here..^^

there's still more ragdolls to come!!..hahaha
