Instagram: @_willtwerkfortacos
Gifboom: @marxiesaurusrex

love cannot live without hate
success cannot live without failure
happiness cannot live without anger
sadness cannot live without joy

Of Mice&Men, Sleeping with Sirens, Black Veil Brides, Bring Me the Horizon, You Me at Six, Asking Alexandria, Pierce the Veil, Memphis May Fire, and More

age: 19

Birthday: February 1st

gender:Girl, obviously

sexuality: Bisexual

nicknames: Honey Boo

Fave colours:lime green,red,black

hobbies:writing drawing, eating, tumblr twitter

occupation:annoying student

best friends on theotaku:amber

best friend: Key

crush: Every living Band Member

fave anime: Full Metal Alchemist and Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood

Warped Tour

So its official... i am freaking out to the point of tears that my plans wont work out right because the airline my mom is working for is having issues which means my friend may not be able to come up from Florida, which means i may have to go to warped tour alone and its freaking me out because it once again goes to prove that eveyrthing i plan goes wrong and i can't handle it because warped was supposed to be the best day of my life considering every year i wanted to go my mom said no i was too young or no because she did not approve of the people i planned to go with so its almost like a huge step for me into adulthood

sorry for this ranting...but im seriously crying right now and i'm trying to calm myself down by listening to all my favorite music and drinking tea with lime and far its not doing much im just freaking out even more and theres a not in my throat an my chest keeps getting heavier, my stomach keeps flipping and and i'm getting jittery and a million and one things all at once...

sorry again for this...i just i didn't really know any other way to try and get it out. I'm sorry
