Ah man i never thought i will get responses so much on my first journal....thats cool...
Yeah i like the Black and Purple colour alot....kinda but blue too...
Thank u for liking and reading my World....Its an honor....:)
ahh so you have a journal now^^so if i dont get to talk to you i still getta see how your doing^^
love the background you used so pretty^^
love the sound of those breezes you talked bout^^
Rising from Ashes (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/02/09 | Reply
Cool. That's neat that you get to go on the roof. I wish I could do that sometimes... I don't watch a lot of TV either. Mostly like anime on the computer or FFVII on the portable DVD player... Yeah. Great movie.
Well congratulations on your first journal! I hope you have fun with it and all.
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/03/09 | Reply
@Razing Phoenix:
Thank u so much Razi that u comment and read my World im really thank full of ur great response,
Yeah It is really cool to go up but i walk alot up on roof ...so it make my feet kind of ill :P...im use to it....
U know my dad said to me today ...that i look weaker :P uh thats not funny but it is LOL.....
~THANKS again~
~Urs Truly Sumera~
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/03/09 | Reply
@sasuke uchia:
Ah man i never thought i will get responses so much on my first journal....thats cool...
Yeah i like the Black and Purple colour alot....kinda but blue too...
Thank u for liking and reading my World....Its an honor....:)
Take care and Be safe~
sasuke uchia
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/02/09 | Reply
ahh so you have a journal now^^so if i dont get to talk to you i still getta see how your doing^^
love the background you used so pretty^^
love the sound of those breezes you talked bout^^
Razing Phoenix
Rising from Ashes (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/02/09 | Reply
Cool. That's neat that you get to go on the roof. I wish I could do that sometimes... I don't watch a lot of TV either. Mostly like anime on the computer or FFVII on the portable DVD player... Yeah. Great movie.
Well congratulations on your first journal! I hope you have fun with it and all.
Have a great day, friend.
Tea pixie (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/02/09 | Reply
Oooh a journal ^^ that is a good idea. I like to look back on things I have written, it helps me remember times I have had.
That rooftop sounds very peaceful... It is good to have a place to rest like that.
Have a lovely week my friend!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/02/09 | Reply